Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Perfecting the speech...

I wanted you all to see this post from Carlos Whittaker's blog highlighting an amazing baptism from last weekend!
I definitely giggled, teared up and thanked God for the amazing testimony heard.

Check it out...

So at Buckhead Church we pride ourselves in giving Jesus our best. In every beat of our heart.
Yet sometimes our best comes in the most unrehearsed of moments. Take this past Sunday for example. Simon was to be baptized.
We have all baptiseees give their testimony on video before they are baptized.
That way they can get across the message of hope Christ has placed in them clearly.
Simon took 2 DAYS to film his 2 minute video.
He was mortified. Nervous is an understatement.
Time came to show the video.
Then it played…
No audio…
Then it played again…
Audio this time, but no video…
The crowd was beginning to mumble…
Then video but no audio…
You get the drift.
Luckily our pastor Jeff Henderson was baptizing him and he was money.
Jeff waded through the uncomfertableneds of 3000 pairs of eyes staring at them and moved on with…
“Well Simon, I know your story…”
So in the middle of all the chaos somebody yells from the crowd at about 1:02 in the video…
And the rest was history…
Watch below how God shows up when our lame equipment does not…

God is good!!

4 awesome remarks:

Anonymous said...

That was super cool!

Brad Ruggles said...

That's such an awesome testimony! How cool!

I guess you're joining us for the Bloggers meetup next Thursday night? So cool! Can't wait to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon,

I don't know if you remember me from SuperWow at Jekyll this past summer. I live in South Georgia and you, Dan and another girl came to our girls house for devotion one night. Brock (and Auny) finally did make it here to South GA (I prayed a long time for that!)and we were all so proud to see them!

I just wanted to say what a blessing your "thoughts" are on this blog for me personally. I appreciate your acceptance and true christian love for others.

This video is absolutely AWESOME!!!! Thanks for sharing it! I was thinking on the "irony" of Simon's name...I mean I thought of Simon Peter and the joy and love he had for our Savior Jesus Christ! I think an appropriate nickname for your Simon should be "J.C"..."Jesus's Cheerleader" because boy did he cheer. Oh that I remember that joy and awake each day afresh to it!

Thanks, and know what a positive impact you made on all those young girls in our house when you lead devotion for us!

If you're ever in Adel...drop by and I'll take you for some great peach ice cream!


p-stip said...

Oh the joy simon shows is beautiful. A great picture of the joy in heaven when someone comes to christ and a great little picture of the joy our father has for us. Beautiful