Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, September 29, 2008

Let's play catch up!

I always seem to neglect the thoughts in my head on the weekends. They never seem to make it to the blog and then on Monday I have to play catch up. I apologize for that!

My weekend was loaded with laughter and great moments. I'll list some key points for you and if there are questions, I'll elaborate.

Six Feet Under
Mac's hatred for sitting alone
Courtney's fun crimped hair
Old Towne
Waitress comments
Shoe shopping with Coker and Walker(hilarious)
Georgia vs. Alabama game
Top of the Westin
Chris' Birthday
Brent's scary elevator ride
Waiting in line for gas...why is one of the biggest cities in the US out of gas???
Across the Universe
Andy's message
Ben Snider's laugh
Funny quotes on the to-go boxes

Wow...when you write it all out it looks like a week's worth of activities. I can't believe all that happened between Friday night and Sunday night.

Sheesh now wonder I'm tired!

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