Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, April 30, 2010

9 Deadly Words

Not sure if you can read these, but Kevin found these online today and they make me laugh because of how true they are :)

I never realized how complicated we can be!

Maybe we should print out this list and present it at the beginning of a relationship... kind of like a warning... 'Look, this is what you're getting yourself in to!" or "Here's how to understand my language!"

Hahahaha... That would be awesome!

Do any of these describe your thought process?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I think I'm falling in love with New York

New York at Sunrise

When with her clouds the early dawn illumes
Our doubtful streets, wistful they grow and mild
As if a sleeping soul grew happy and smiled,
The whole dark city radiantly blooms.
Pale spires lift their hands above the glooms
Like a resurrection, delicately wild,
And flushed with slumber like a little child,
Under a mist, shines forth the innocent Tombs.
Thus have I seen it from a casement high.
As unsubstantial as a dream it grows.
Is this Manhattan , virginal and shy,
That in a cloud so rapturously glows?
Ethereal, frail, and like an opening rose,
I see my city with an enlightened eye.

~ Anna Hempstead Branch

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Green Poof

So I have been terrible at writing on my blog lately. My lack of thoughtful posts is a combination of a super busy schedule, a lack of hilarious/intriguing stories to tell and just plain laziness... a lot of the latter one!

But alas, this week has sparked some funny things to tell you, some new adventures to reveal and sweet moments that are now written on my heart. Since I'm horrible at keeping you updated, I'm going to split these moments up into a few posts...that way you have something fun to read a few days in a row instead of all at once!

First story to tell you about happened two days ago when a kitchen conversation lead to 4 girls laughing hysterically around the kitchen counter. I'll let Michelle tell you all about this one...

"So, funny story.

I am now living with three girls. One of which, I share a bathroom with. All is great. Expect, we have a problem. We have a mysterious green lufa in our presence.

Shannon and I have been cohabiting our bathroom for close to a month. Since that time, there have been two lufas AKA poofs hanging in our shower. One blue, one green. Shannon had bought the blue one. She assumed the green one was mine. I had not purchased either one, and assumed that one belonged to her and the other to her man friend, Kevin. On with life we go.

Well, my roommates and I were standing in our kitchen last night catching up when Shannon casually mentions and apologizes that her man friend might have accidentally used my (green) poof. She started laughing as she recounts the story of Kevin telling her that he thought he had used hers, and the icky facial expression that he had once she told him that he was incorrect about the poof ownership. Well, imagine my goofy look when I tell her that the green one was not mine. I explain that I had actually just purchased a purple lufa. I’m pretty sure there were tears involved as all four of us laughed and tried to figure out where the poof came from and how disturbing it was that Kevin used a strangers cleaning apparatus.

Where did this mysterious lufa come from??

Honestly, the whole thing is a kind of creepy and a little weird. The exact owner and origin of said lufa is still up in the air. All I know is that when I got up this morning and walked into the bathroom, I found this:

Welcome to the joys of roommate-hood. And if you happen to find yourself missing a poof, we know where it is. Feel free to come retrieve it from out of the trash can. Be ready to explain yourself."

Read more of Michelle's Blog at Moments Worth Mentoring

Back tomorrow with another story :)

Monday, April 05, 2010

Easter 2010

You know what I love about Easter... I mean besides the fact that it's the day that we celebrate the event that changed everything...

I love Easter because it's one of those weekends that brings friends together, the church service is always packed(meaning more people that are hearing the message and more people could be getting saved), the weather always seems a little warmer and there are stores full of Cadbury cream eggs :)

Although I didn't get one this year, I still love those chocolaty cream eggs! YUMM

This year was a little different than the years past. I normally spend Easter in Nashville... well for the past three years I had, but this year I decided to spend Easter right here, in Atlanta. I definitely enjoyed it.

Good Friday brought a relaxing, sunny boat ride on Lake Lanier with Kevin, Stephen and Heather... good times, sunny weather, great company and a day off of work! Who could ask for more than that?!

Saturday was spent making homemade peanut butter eggs (which were to die for) and spending time up at the MacKay household watching movies, relaxing on the deck and playing Mancala. Actually, it was more like 'getting schooled in Mancala by a 6-year-old!'

Sunday was all about church. Upstreet in the morning... getting to sing and dance around with several 2nd and 3rd graders will make any Easter bright. Easter lunch at Michelle's parent's house then back to church for an awesome sermon given by Andy Stanley! After service and a fun dinner at Twisted Taco, we ventured to the house and sat in the sun room to reflect on the awesome weekend. I would describe it as perfect.

I truly enjoyed myself and my Easter weekend!

What was your favorite part of your Easter holiday?

Friday, April 02, 2010


The pineberry could be the world's newest oldest most least tart sweet pineapple that's a strawberry. Or it could just a good day to berry old news ...

Is it a strawberry? Is it a pineapple? Is it a conspiracy?

I don't care what it is... I WANT ONE!