Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, April 30, 2010

9 Deadly Words

Not sure if you can read these, but Kevin found these online today and they make me laugh because of how true they are :)

I never realized how complicated we can be!

Maybe we should print out this list and present it at the beginning of a relationship... kind of like a warning... 'Look, this is what you're getting yourself in to!" or "Here's how to understand my language!"

Hahahaha... That would be awesome!

Do any of these describe your thought process?

2 awesome remarks:

Janis said...

joey needs to commit this list to memory.

Anonymous said...


I found this the other day too! It made me laugh so hard because I can honestly (and with shame) with I've probably spoken each of these. haha The "whatever" one cracks me up.

We can be so silly sometimes, can't we?