Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Do You Smell Something Burning?

Have you ever been in the weirdest day dream ever and thought to yourself, 'how can all this craziness fit into one scenario?' Well last night that happened to me only it wasn't a day dream, it was the reality known as Erica, Misty and Ashley's apartment!

I went over to Erica's around 7:00 PM yesterday for my routine haircut appointment. You know, nothing to crazy just a chestnut brown touch up, butterscotch peekaboos and more angle in the front, more bevel in the back. Simple stuff really! haha. Anyway, last night was more than a trip to the apartment salon!

Upon arrival, Erica, Ashley and Jason (a friend of the girls) were there debating, discussing and craving Chinese food. Discussion lasted about 30 minutes which ended with delivery of Pad Thai Chicken, The Family and some kind of spicy chicken with rice. All delicious! and all followed with fortune cookies. Ten to be exact. My fortune...less than mediocre! So there were 4 of us to start the night out.

OK moving on ... Misty came home around 8:00 PM with a guitar player named Dwayne. They were going to rehearse a song with Ashley and Erica for the 500 Songs for Kids Album. By this point, my chestnut brown color has set and we've moved on to the butterscotch peekaboos so I have foil in all areas of my hair. Keep in mind, we're now up to 6 people in the apartment including me!

Here's were it gets good. The girls had noticed a burning smell in the apartment while we were all sitting around. There seemed to be a little haze filling the room and the burning plastic smell initiated a room search for the culprit. Nothing was found but the worry had set in! Since there's not a fire department number listed, Misty and Jason decided it was best to call 911. Fifteen minutes later, while the girls were rehearsing and I was letting the foils set, there was a knock on the door! Yep, you guess it ... FIREMEN!

There were only 2 at first, one chief and one fully suited man squandering through looking for this smell Misty had describe over the phone. While they were in the Erica's room checking for fire, another knock hit the door ... 3 more fully suited firemen entered the apartment. That makes 5! Those 3 split up, 2 went to Misty's bedroom to investigate and the other joined the first two in Erica and Ashley's bedroom. Then, one more knock occurred bringing 2 more, one fireman and one fire lady! Oh did I mention I still have foil in my hair?

That now makes 3 roommates, 2 Musicians, 5 Firemen, 1 Fire Lady, 1 Fire Chief and me ... getting my hair done! Twelve, count 'em, TWELVE people witnessed my hair transformation. And after the embarrassment wore off, I realized what a great story it would make, haha!

The result: No Fire! Just a faulty AC fan that needs to be fixed. The Gables Maintenance man came to check it out while Erica rinsed the color from my hair. So I guess he would make the 13th person to witness my hair transformation. WOW! What a crazy night.

Oh and in cause you don't believe me, here's the proof...

Firemen everywhere!

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