Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, May 23, 2010

My 28th Birthday

I have figured out that birthdays are my favorite! Not because it's a day all about you, you get lots of gifts and there's more cake than you know what to do with ... well maybe that has a little something to with it ... but in all seriousness, it's because it's the one day out of the year that I truly feel like people care ... even if it's all part of an act. Now, don't misread what I'm saying, I do feel loved and cared for every other day of the year because I have some of the greatest parents and friends any girl could ask for but on birthdays, people tend to show the love a lot more.

So this past Wednesday I celebrated my 28th year of life! I realized three things ... I am rapidly getting older, my bones and muscles now hurt daily and I have a lot of things to accomplish. So I decided I would set some REAL goals for my 28th year :) Here there are a few in no particular order...

  1. Learn to let go and to embrace each day without worry or concern.
  2. Love more!
  3. Become more financially stable, meaning a higher paying job or a promotion.
  4. Have more fun! This is a BIG one.
  5. Write more letters reminding people that I love them and I care about them dearly!
Now, I do have a few more but in all honesty, I don't need to list them all. They're my goals and some need to remain somewhat private! But if you ask me in person, I'll share. I'm not hiding them.

Now besides making goals on my birthday, I had a love and cupcake filled day :) 28 cupcakes to be exact... I counted them up in my head today! On top of the cupcakes, my lovely roomies surprised me with a Coldstone Cookie Dough Ice cream cake. Oh and let's not forget the 108 Happy Birthday Facebook comments. So amazing! But one of the sweetest things came from one of the best friends a girl could ask for, my friend Kristen. Read for yourself... Birthday Wishes. So sweet :)

Now before I show you some pictures from my special day, let me tell you a sweet story.

Have you ever had a GiGi's Cupcake? If you haven't you may not fully appreciate this story but let me try and explain. GiGi's cupcakes are my favorite! I had them when I lived in Nashville, TN and I was sad when I moved because I had to move away from them since they are only located there. Oh so delicious!

Well Wednesday mid-morning, I got a text from Kevin that said "can you do me a favor?" My response, "of course!" His response, " come outside!" Now I was under the impression that he was at work but as I stepped off the elevator and looked outside there he was! I was so shocked :)

Kevin then pulled out the BIGGEST balloon I've ever seen that said Happy Birthday on it as well as a birthday princess crown! I have ALWAYS wanted a birthday princess crown!! Then he pulled a green box from his car and as he sat it down I saw that the top said GiGi's cupcakes! Oh my goodness, I had never been so excited about cupcakes in my life. He opened the box and this is what I saw...

In my head I'm like, "Did you drive to Nashville this morning" so I asked. He began to tell me that he called the Nashville store three days earlier and asked them to shipped cupcakes to me. He explained that they were my favorite but the lady there told him that shipping was not an option. He semi-begged, telling her that they were my favorite and he had to get them here for my birthday. She asked where he was located and when said Atlanta her response made his day. She said,"We just opened a store in Dunwoody 6 weeks ago on Hammond Drive." That's right down the street from my house :) After that news, he planned it all out to have cupcakes for me on my special day! And they we're extremely yummy. Ahhh, he is AMAZING :) I do love that boy!

After the surprise of my favorite treat and guy showing up at my office, my parents decided to send a little surprise of their own...

Aren't they gorgeous?!

I was in complete awe of them... they're so big and beautiful and they have been making my room smell delicious for the past 4 days! Thanks Mama and Daddy!

There were many more surprises that day! I felt so loved by so many. I love birthdays!

Can't wait for my half birthday in November :)

Oh and I'll tell you about my birthday weekend in my next post!!

1 awesome remarks:

Anonymous said...

oh my word!!! those cupcakes look AMAZING! I've gotta go to this place since it's in my hood. awesome points for Kev!!