Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A milestone marking a goodbye

It's amazing what you can learn in five years! It's just as amazing how fast five years can fly by!

When I started my blog in October of 2006, I had no idea the impact it would make in some people's lives... I also had no idea the impact it would make on me as I looked back over my years of growth, adventure, heart break, new beginnings, transitions and much, much more. You see, I started this blog mainly so my family could keep up with my life while I lived in Nashville. Being 12 hours away from home was something completely new for me and I thought my parents would enjoy seeing & reading my life instead of getting a few 15 minute phone calls here and there. It was a way for me to share pictures, stories and life without racking up an insanely high phone bill each month. Well, it was a success :)

I've been reading back over the stories and the moments, and it's been so crazy to see this timeline unfold in words and pictures. Like, how on December 24, 2006 I talk about the stars... how bright the sky is at my parent's and I can really remember that night and that feeling. It's like the happiness jumps right off the screen.

And then there was May 2009, when Brock and Auny took me on a cruise to Coco Cay, Bahamas! The pictures from that post are unbelievable. The whole trip was amazing and I honestly can't think of a better way to spend the first week of May :)

I could seriously bring up several posts and memories from the past five years, but I'm not because that's why I have blog that shows them to me (and you) within a few clicks!

Now, you're probably wondering 'what is the point of this blog post' and I promise I'm getting to it. See, I love looking back and reading the stories. It's awesome to see the changes, good and bad, that have occurred in my life. I've enjoyed all the comments and sweets encouragement that my followers have posted over the years... It's made blogging worth it. But, there comes a time for change and this is one of those times.

For the ones that have kept up with my blog all these years, you know that my posts have become sparse and I haven't had (made) the time to write the way I used to. It's been difficult to write... I mean, it's been difficult to keep up with life, haha. So, my next sentence is one that I've thought long and hard about and it just needs to happen at this time in my life...

All good things must come to an end, so my dear friends, I am ending my Chasing Paper Stars blog.

Now, I'm not doing this because it's bad or I hate writing or I don't have anything to say... I have plenty to say. I so many things swirling around in my head that could be awesome in a blog post, but I just need to step away from blogging for while. I'm not sure how long, but I can tell you that when (or if) I decide to blog again, my blog will have a new name and a new purpose :) It's sad and exciting all at the same time!!

So friends, thanks for all the love and support over these past five years! And don't worry, just because the blog's gone doesn't mean that I'm gonna quit chasing paper stars!

Monday, September 05, 2011

Two whole years

Can you believe that?! Guess you need to know what I'm talking about first, huh? Well, I'm referring to my relationship with Mr. Kevin Walters. Today marks two years that we've been together and what a perfectly, challenging roller coaster that I don't ever want to get off of :)

If there is anything I have learned in my 29 years, it's that relationships take work, compromise and dedication. I do feel that love and romance are a huge part, but at the end of the day a relationship is a loving dedication that will always be a work in progress.

Two years is a long time. It's ample amount of time to realize things that you love and things that drive you crazy about your boyfriend/girlfriend. But I don't believe it's enough time to have figured any one person out ... considering our minds are always changing, our knowledge is always growing and our surroundings are always challenging us to try new things and experiences. If I look back to the person I was in 2009 when Kevin and I met, I can honestly say I am one different girl today. And it could be in the small things... like I now love Root Beer. In 2009 I had never even tried it. Or it could be in the big things... like I now want something more for my life. I have some career goals and some personal goals that weren't in my mind in 2009. It's like a gradual change over time.

What I'm getting at is that our relationship looks a lot different than it did in September of 2009. It has matured and grown and I love how when continue to learn from one another and we continue to grow, not only as a couple but individually. It's fun to see the new ideas we have and the goals that we yearn to achieve.

Now, want to see what we did for our two year mark?! I thought you would :)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 30 - A Picture that Describes You Perfectly

This is pretty much me! I don't have much to give, but I will give you my heart and my love!

Thanks for reading along with my 30 day challenge! I hope that you wer inspired or at least entertained by learning more about me and my life :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 29 - A Picture that Can Always Make You Smile

This picture can make me smile even on the worst days!

When my best friend's little boy, Luke was like 6 months old, Kevin and I went to visit. Luke took a liking to Kevin immediately and he was loving time getting to play with this new guy in his life. Luke had a fascination with Kevin's nose (as you can see) and I thought it was the cutest thing ever :)

This picture brings a giggle to me every time I look at it. LOVE IT!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 28 - A Picture of Something That Always Makes Your Day

The Caswell sunset, which I'm looking at right now :)

It always makes my day... just wish I could see it more often these days!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 27 - A Picture of Yourself and a Family Member

This is me and my little (bigger) brother at the Boston Red Sox vs. Atlanta Braves game in 2009. It was a great game but definitely one of the hottest baseball games I've ever been to.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 26 - A Picture of Something that Means a lot to You

So I'm realizing that I don't take enough pictures to be able to post on my blog the expectations of this Challenge :(

I don't have a picture of the something that means a lot to me so I'll just describe it to you...

In the summer of 2002, I started working at Camp Caswell. Greatest Summer Ever! Anyway, I have a lunch bag with the theme from that summer ('That New Thing'). Now I know what your thinking... Really? A lunch bag? Let me explain... In that lunch bag there is about 1000 pictures from that summer. Pictures of people who are still my best friends today, 9 years later. I love to look through that lunch bag and remember that summer. The super early mornings and the extremely late evenings. Cleaning Oceana and finding surprises every Sunday that made us laugh and laugh and laugh. Running the putt putt course for hours and hours in the 100 degree gym. Listening the Amy Salley give us instructions over the radio. The Mountain Dew... Oh the Mountain Dew. The talks. The tears. The Worship. Vespers. Hatch. Oh my, I could type for hours.

Yep, that lunch bag is special to me! Extremely special :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 25 - A Picture of Your Day

This is a picture of my day :)

I am at the beach with my family and my niece, Summer found/rescued a snail. She has placed it in a cup with glass, dirt, a rock and a sprinkle of water... everything a snail would need to make it in the cup world, haha.

It's such a relaxing day! I could get used to this!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 24 - A Picture of Something You Wish You Could Change

I wish I could make cupcakes healthy :)

I could seriously eat one a day... but since they're fattening I don't.

I wish I could change that!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 23 - A Picture of Your Favorite Book

Okay, don't laugh but my favorite book is...

...yes and I'm not kidding. Not even a little bit!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 22 - A Picture of something You Wish You were better at

Yep! I want to be a better runner... and I'm getting there. Slowly but surely :)

Practice makes perfect right?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 21 - A Picture of something You Wish You could Forget

This blog post would never go over well if I actually posted a picture of something I wish I could forget. I think it would be totally foolish of me to throw out something like that... to air my baggage for all the world to see. Not smart! Some things should just remain in my head... Not on a computer screen! But I will talk about something I wish I could forget... Something web appropriate.

You see, when I was younger, I wasn't exactly the perfect sister. I am 3 years older than my brother and I was that sister that really hated that my younger brother wanted to hang out with me. Kind of like the' too cool for school' mentality. Anyway, I was so mean to my brother. He was heavier when we were kids and I definitely used that to my advantage. When I would get upset, I would call him names and most of those names dealt with his weight. Ugh, I am terrible sister. I know I hurt his feelings and I feel bad about it now. As I look back, I was so hurtful to him when all he wanted was to be around me and be accepted.

Later, when I went off to college, my brother told me that he had always looked up to me and wanted to be just like me (minus the being a girl part). Can you believe that? Me, someone who said such awful things!

Anyway I wish I could forget all of that...but better yet, I wish I had never said those hurtful things! I know you can't change the past but I do know that the past has definitely affected my future. I'm not perfect but I can say that I have become a much better, more encouraging sister.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 20 - A Picture of somewhere You'd Love to Travel

I mean seriously, How gorgeous is that picture?!

That is New Zealand and it's on the top of my 'Must Travel To' list! If everything goes as planned, I'll be heading there next year :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 19 - A Picture of a habit that you wish you didn't have

This is slightly embarrassing but, I really wish I didn't cry every time I got upset or was angry! I mean some people don't really think of crying as a habit but, when you do it as often as I do, it is! I am so freakin emotional and it drives me crazy!

Have you ever stood in front of a mirror and had a 'pretend' argument with yourself? Basically your reflection being the person you are wanting to confront or you're wanting yell at, as loud as your little voice box can yell. I have these often because 1. I am terrible a confrontation (as I mentioned in my last blog) and 2. I don't cry when I when I do this. Granted, I'm not dealing with the issue because I'm arguing with myself but I do feel better afterwards (how pathetic is that?)

Anyway, I really wish I was a little stronger sometimes! Like, I'm not trying to sound like a victim (even though I know that' what I sound like) but, I would love to be able to tell people my mind without having remorse or having a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I hurt their feelings. Ugh, what an awful cycle! I need help... or a counselor... or someone to teach me how to be strong or to throw punches or something!

Any takers?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 18 - A Picture of You're Least Favorite Trait

This gets me in trouble a lot cause I don't express my feelings well and I tend to hold things in until I explode with a cause of verbal diarrhea. Not a good thing!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 17 - A Picture of something that has made a huge Impact on Your Life recently

Well it's not a something... it's a someone!

This adorable young girl is my niece, Summer. She is the huge impact even though she's quite little :)

To give you a little back story, Summer was born when my brother was 16 years old. I was in my first year at ECU when I heard the news. She was a surprise that has turned my world upside down. I've watched her grow up into this little woman... this little person with big dreams and a big love for every one. Despite some circumstances that I will not go in to, this little girl is super tough and has made a huge impact on my life!

She's a sassy little 9 year old now, who for some reason, has her own cell phone and texts me occasional messages like 'I love Aunt Shannon.' Melts my heart! I mean, a cell phone at 9 isn't something I totally agree with but at least she uses it well, ha :)

I tear up when I see pictures of her cause I'm not there to help teach her things like how to throw a softball or how to braid hair. I know that sounds a little motherly but I want to teach her everything! I want her to love life and know that she is beautiful and so very much loved! She's my munchkin!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 16 - A Picture of someone who Inspires You

I need to think on this one for a day or two cause I want it be more than a photo.

To be continued...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 15 - A Picture of something You want to do before You Die

Again so many things... I even have my own Bucket List. It's called a Day Zero Project but it's the same concept!

Okay, something I want to do before I die... hmmmm... I guess it would be this...

<-----That picture to the left is a representation of me wanting to visit all 50 states!


I don't think that's too hard of a goal! I mean I have a few years (hopefully) and I think visiting every state would be so awesome.

I'd like to go snowboarding in Colorado and fishing in Oregon. I'd love to lay on the beach in California and walk along the rocky coast of Maine. I love trying new foods too so I'd have to try some food that each state (or it's cities) is known for! Hmmmm... Boston Chowder and Texas BBQ (even though I'm kind of a BBQ snob). Philly Cheesesteak for Philly and ... well what's Nevada known for? I'll have to figure that out.

That's what I would do... or better yet, that's what I'm going to do :)

Want to come with me??

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 14 - A Picture of Someone You could never Imagine Your Life without

WOW... These just keep getting harder and harder!

It's really hard for me to narrow down ONE person that I couldn't imagine my life without. There are so many that would fall into that category... like my Dad, Mom, Brother, Niece, Grandmother... you get the gist. I could never imagine my life without my family. I guess aside from them, and for the purposes of this blog, the person I am going to choose to write about is... ... Kristen Heffelfinger (soon to be Mrs. Kristen Wilson).

I simply adore her! She is one of the most encouraging people I know. Definitely someone to call on a gloomy day.

Kristen and I met in 2006 while I was interning at Caswell. She was friends with my roommate and I was friends with her boyfriend. We became friends instantly after meeting... It was like that love at first sight thing expect more like friends at first conversation (if that even makes sense ha). We talked about everything... specific situations we were going through, boyfriends we had lost and were getting over and just life. What's so great about our friendship is that Kristen, who is about 5 years younger than me, and I have learned over the past few years is that we tend to go through the stuff, just at different times. Our life experiences are so similar, it's a little scary.

I was somewhat of a mentor to Kristen in the beginning of getting to know one another, but lately she has been a mentor to me. She teaches me SO much and she never let's me look at the darker side of things. She always has a bright side for every situation :) She is so wise and she has helped through some tough things. Can we say LOTS of late night conversations!

I don't see Kristen as much as I would like but we have a very strong bond nonetheless... one that we continue to build over Skype and the occasional phone call. She is one of my very best friends and I can honestly say, 'I could never imagine my life without her!'

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 13 - A Picture of someone You Miss

I miss my puppy, Cambi...

She's been at home in North Carolina with my awesome parents for over a year now and I think it's been long enough. It's time for my sweet little country puppy to come back to the city!

I know technically that's not a someone but she is the one I miss!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 12 - A Picture of something You Love

A picture of something I love... that's easy! I LOVE Caswell.

Caswell is my haven... my home away from home. It's one of those places I can't get out of my head and I long to be there every Summer as a staffer, especially when returning staff start posted pictures to Facebook between May and August.

There's just something about that place that I can never fully explain because you have to experience it to feel it. All I know is that when I drive through those gates, no matter what time of year, this feeling of peace and comfort come over me. I never want to leave once I'm there and I guarantee any one who has ever worked there will say the same!

Here's some pictures of my haven for you :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 11 - A Picture of something You Hate

Hate is a very strong word and I do try my best not to use it... So for this blog I am posting a picture of something I dislike. It sounds more appeasing :)

Atlanta traffic!

That is a major dislike! It makes me late, it causes me anxiety and sometimes it prevents me from going the places I want... just because I refuse to sit in it! If Atlanta had no traffic, it's safe to say may world would be a better place!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 10 - A Picture of the Person You do the oddest things with

This one's just weird to me. The oddest things? In my head I'm trying to define this so I write about it. Give about 10 minutes to think on this one...

La la La... whatever. La la la... it doesn't matter. La la la... oh well.

Tonight Tonight! A little music video while you wait.

La la La... whatever. La la la... it doesn't matter. La la la... oh well.

Okay... I'm back. Did you enjoy the video? I love that song :)

So, I picked a person after some serious thinking. The person I do the oddest things with would have to be these two (cause they are a packaged deal)...

Brock and Auny Gill... two of my favorite people! These two introduced me to some crazy things, foods and experiences over the past 5 years. I mean they do magic... how much cooler can it get!

I wouldn't necessarily say we do odd things, but these two are very creative. For example: They have a homemade zip line in their back yard, as well as a place to shoot bows and arrows. They taught me all their secrets to magic, which I will never share, so don't ask... They helped me make a slide show video of a bobble head lost in an amusement park (I should probably go in to more detail on that, but I'll save it). They showed me how to cook a turkey in a wooden box... best turkey I've ever had!

I could go on and on about hanging out with these two, but I just remembered that I do go on and on about them... throughout my entire blog. So go check out some posts from 2006 - 2009 and you can read for yourself all the odd/awesome things we did :)

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Day 9 - A Picture of the Person who has gotten You through the most

Hmmmm.... gotten me through the most?!

Well, I'd have to say that would be Mr. Ryan Salley...

I've known Ryan for over 11 years now and looking back over the last decade, he has been there. Through break ups, through tears, through laughter, through all my relocations, through job changes, through bad decisions... Ryan has been an encouragement, a confidant and a best friend. I called him for everything and he listened... sometimes for hours while I cried for most of it. But he was there...even if it was over the phone.

Thank you Ryan! You are a blessing.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Day 8 - A Picture that makes you Laugh

So, there are multiple photos that make me laugh. I could probably put together an entire album just dedicated to funny pictures. Hmmmm, maybe I'll do that in my spare time.

Anyway, the photo to the left is the one I'm choosing for this post. I mean seriously, if you can look at this picture and not laugh at the face Kevin is making, I commend you. I can not! I am actually giggling right now because I'm having to write this post while the picture is just chilling... staring at me... taunting me and every time I look over I bust out in to giggles. Hahaha!

This picture was taken in NY at Kevin's cousin's wedding. I won a table arrangement in one of the games we played and I was super excited. That's why I am smiling. Kevin, on the other hand, well I'm not sure what emotion he was expressing, hahaha :)

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Day 7 - A Picture of Your Childhood Crush

Now let's be honest here... if I posted a picture of my childhood crush, it would just be plain weird. Especially if I posted one of him in the present. Let's just say he's not really my type any more. I guess 3rd grade crushes really don't extend into years passed elementary school, ha!

So, I'll just describe him for you... in the way I saw him in 3rd grade :)

His name was Chad and he was definitely a ladies man early on. He was tall with dark hair... a real smooth talker and he could play 4 square like no one else. He was a pro and I loved to watch him play.

I loved him, the way only a 3rd grader could, but there was this one day that everything changed. You see, apparently Chad was dating/seeing/hanging out/(whatever you call it when your 8 or 9 years old) with two other girls the same time as me. How awesome! ... even at 9, guys can be jerks.

So anyway, we decided (the other two girls and I) that we would play 4 square and the last girl in would get to date Chad... I mean, in 3rd grade, 4 square was how you solved problems, right? Haha. So we began to play. Chad was in the King Square and me and the other two girls scattered into the other spots and got in to position. Chad really had the control and it was obvious that he would get out the girls he didn't want to date. He tossed the ball up and hit it hard towards the opposite square... way too hard for any one to retrieve. So, guess who's square that was and guess who was first out? Yep... ME.

Ugh, I was so mad and somewhat heartbroken. Thinking about it now is bringing it all back. What a jerk! Maybe that's why I don't play 4 Square after InsideOut, hahahahaha ;)

Although looking back and looking at the present, getting out first was a blessing... even if I was only 8 years old!

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Day 6 - A Picture of a Person You'd Love to Trade places with for a day

Hmmm ... this is tough one!

I can't really think of someone that I would want to trade places with for a day. I mean I can, but it would depend on a ton of circumstances. Like, I'd love to trade places with Reese Witherspoon because she has a ton of money and she's famous. I'd love to trade places with Melissa Beard because she lives in NYC and works in Manhattan. I'd love to trade places that size zero girl that passed me in the mall the other day eating Oreo ice cream with extra Oreos... just because she's tiny and she's indulging in some serious deliciousness!

You see, there are circumstances and reasons why I would want to trade places but for the purpose of my blog, I will post a picture of one person I'd like to trade places with for a day... but it'll have to be on a Sunday when we make the trade!
Yep... for those of you who attend Buckhead Church, North Point Community Church or any of the strategic partner churches from Tennessee down to Florida, I'm sure you recognize this awesome lady! For those of you who don't, meet Chrystina Fincher. She is absolutely amazing! I met her about 4 years ago while working with Brock in Panama City Beach, FL at BigStuf Camps. I can honestly say, I liked her from the start. She was so kind and so inviting to a girl who just starting on the road and was away from home.

Now, the reason I'd love to trade places with her... specifically on a Sunday is because Chrystina can sing like noboby's business. She's incredible and each week she gets to walk on a stage and sing worship music for thousands of people. That would be something I'd be willing to trade a day to do!

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Day 5 - A Picture of Your Night

Now I'm not sure if I'm supposed to have some extravagant picture of me on the top of a 10 story building in downtown ATL, under the fireworks or what, but this picture is not that.

Here is my night...

Me and my roommates sitting around talking about our 4th of July weekend while eating chips and salsa. We all just got back in to town and we're catching up on our 4th festivities, adventures and magic moments :)

Simply and sweet!

My favorite kind of night!

Monday, July 04, 2011

Day 4 - A Picture of Your Favorite Memory

I'm not sure if I ever posted this picture to my blog around the time it was taken, but this was day one :) This picture is from Labor Day 2009, the day Kevin and I started dating! It still stands as my favorite memory.

7.6.11 Continuation...
I thought I would elaborate a little on this picture! I realized after I posted it, I didn't really give you much of a story. I'm a sucker for sappy stories, so I thought to myself 'maybe someone else out there is too.'

So this picture... ahhh just looking at it brings a smile to my face. You see, my good friend Michelle was quite sneaky that Labor Day weekend. I had told her about my interest in Kevin about two weeks before the holiday weekend came around. Basically, I told her I was intrigued and I would like to hang out with him more. She decided to make that possible.

Kevin and I Facebook chatted leading up to the weekend... just casual conversation. You know, like 'Can I have your number.' Totally kidding, but that is one of my favorite MADTV skits (I linked it in case you're curious). Anyway, back to the story... So we had chatted and we realized both of us were going to be up at the lake for the weekend and we were going to be hanging out. All the while, Michelle and Kevin were talking about the weekend as well... and about how Kevin was intrigued by me too :)

Fast forward to the weekend... We all stayed at Michelle's parent's lake house (guys in rooms and girls in rooms of course). First night, we all went on the boat for a little late night cruise. It was about midnight and there were about 10 of us on the boat just hanging out. A decision was made that is was time to head to the dock (tiredness kicked in for some). So as all 10 people started getting the boat the dock, Michelle leaned over and said 'do you mind riding back to the boat storage with Kevin? I just don't think it's wise for him to drive back all by himself.' Sneaky, Sneaky! Of course she asked it loud enough for Kevin to hear so I couldn't say no. Late night boat ride under the stars??? Sounds romantic to me :)

We talked and laughed and talked and laughed! We turned what should have been a 5 minute boat ride in to like a two hour boat ride. I mean the stars were out and we were engaged in conversation... you know the butterfly type of conversation where you talk for hours and it's like you can never run out of things to say. The conversation was perfect and the kiss as we left the dock was more than perfect :)

And that's how all started! I won't say Michelle is the reason that Kevin and I started dating but her sneakiness did help out a lot :)

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Day 3 - A Picture from Your Favorite Show.

This one is a little tough for me because I don't really have a favorite show.

Actually, I don't really watch TV!

So for this post I have decided to attach a picture(s) from the show(s) that I have watched most in the past few weeks...
Yep... I was fascinated with this show! There's something about talented singing voices that draws me in :)

And then there's this show...
which I have watched every Monday night for the past month! Obsessed, I tell you! Obsessed!

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Day 2 - A Picture of You and the Person You have been Closest with the Longest.

This is Jenni! We met in elementary school and we've been friends ever since. I'm pretty sure aside from my brother and my parents, Jenni has been in my life the longest. We've been through a lot together ... good times, sad times and times that we never thought we'd make it through ... but we managed to sing our way through them ... literally.

I'm pretty sure our bond grew from classmates to best friends the day we sang Disney tunes in the back of a bus on our way to a field trip in 3rd grade! I mean all bonds should start with singing 'A Whole New World' from Aladdin, right? :)

Jenni is the reason I sing. She is the reason I know about Church and she played a huge role in me being a Christian. We both hold a place in our hearts for a little fort that forever changed our paths ... Caswell! It was here that we learned so, so much. I love her and always will!
Jenni's Wedding Day... May 2007
Caswell... back in 1997! We both had long hair back then.

Ah, the memories!

Friday, July 01, 2011

Day 1 - A Picture of Yourself and Ten Facts.

Okay so here we go...

  1. Hi, my name is Shannon and I'm a workaholic. I don't like leaving work till I've completed my entire task list for the day... which creates some late nights at the office for me.
  2. I have a mild obsession with cupcakes, especially Gi Gi's.
  3. I collect two things: sand from different beaches that I've traveled to and lapel pins from every city I've visited. I have a giant map in my room that houses the pins. My goal is to cover my map!
  4. I cry when I'm mad because I don't know how to deal with confrontation.
  5. I have kept the same plant alive for 8 years. It's moved 3 states with me.
  6. I hate wearing shorts and I can't really explain why.
  7. I won the sportsmanship award all 4 years playing high school basketball.
  8. I have this tradition of visiting Camp Caswell every summer... going to the PX... and picking an item out from Yam. One of my favorite traditions!
  9. I have a very good memory and that sometimes gets me in trouble.
  10. I am a country girl trying to mold into a city girl. Grew up driving tractors, playing in fields and catching brim in the ponds. Like they say, 'you can take the girl out of country but you can't the country out of the girl.' TRUE statement!!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge in July

So, as if I didn't have enough on my plate already, I've decided to take on yet another challenge... but this one is all about me. For the next 30 days, you're going to learn a little more about me through pictures and stories :) July is going to become an interesting read for some of you!!

Here's what you have to look forward to...

Day 01 - A Picture of Yourself and Ten Facts.
Day 02 - A Picture of You and the Person You have been Closest with the Longest.
Day 03 - A Picture of the Cast from Your Favorite Show.
Day 04 - A Picture of Your Favorite Memory
Day 05 - A Picture of Your Night
Day 06 - A Picture of a Person You'd Love to Trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A Picture of Your Childhood Crush
Day 08 - A Picture that makes you Laugh
Day 09 - A Picture of the Person who has gotten You through the most
Day 10 - A Picture of the Person You do the oddest things with
Day 11 - A Picture of something You Hate
Day 12 - A Picture of something You Love
Day 13 - A Picture of someone You Miss
Day 14 - A Picture of Someone You could never Imagine Your Life without
Day 15 - A Picture of something You want to do before You Die
Day 16 - A Picture of someone who Inspires You
Day 17 - A Picture of something that has made a huge Impact on Your Life recently
Day 18 - A Picture of You're Least Favorite Trait
Day 19 - A Picture of a habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 20 - A Picture of somewhere You'd Love to Travel
Day 21 - A Picture of something You Wish You could Forget
Day 22 - A Picture of something You Wish You were better at
Day 23 - A Picture of Your Favorite Book
Day 24 - A Picture of Something You Wish You Could Change
Day 25 - A Picture of Your Day
Day 26 - A Picture of Something that Means a lot to You
Day 27 - A Picture of Yourself and a Family Member
Day 28 - A Picture of Something That Always Makes Your Day
Day 29 - A Picture that Can Always Make You Smile
Day 30 - A Picture that Describes You Perfectly

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How can you teach service?

I haven't really written in a while! You know, the kind of writing that makes you think and gets your creative juices flowing. The kind of writing that makes you stop and go 'huh, I never thought of it that way!' Hopefully that's what this blog post will do for you!

I got into a conversation this past Sunday about teaching. Now, the person I was talking may not realize that I got 'teaching' out of our convo but I did. Here's a thought to ponder...

If you don't teach your child to truly know what service is, do you think that they will grow up to have a servant's heart?

Now, I know that's kind of deep for midnight on a Tuesday but I can't shake this thought. You see, I meet students often and have since I was about 19 years old. I've observed them, hung out with them and even taught them, and one thing that I wonder is 'will they ever know what it means to put someone else first?'

Now, if you've kept up with my blog over the past 5 years, you've probably heard me mentioned a little place called Caswell. A small island off the coast of North Carolina that holds a large piece of my heart. It was there that I learned what it meant to serve. What it meant to truly put someone else before my wants, my needs, my 'gotta haves.' At Caswell, that's what you did... you served! You scrub showers and toilets. You serve mystery meat to over a 1000 students and chaperons. You pull weeds and cut grass in 100 degree weather. You wake up at dawn and got to bed after midnight all so that those students and chaperons can experience a truly unforgettable time with God. The best part is they see God through the acts service. Crazy how that happens huh?

This concept was huge for me growing! HUGE... and it's something that I feel is lacking in the Buckhead area. I don't feel like these students know what true service. How to take a step back away from the 'me me me' and they learn how to 'serve serve serve.'

Any suggestions on how to teach service?

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Tattooed Across my Foot

Most of the time I find myself writing the most when changes happen in my life. I guess that's when I feel the most vulnerable and my mind spurs these sharable thoughts and feelings. I find myself awake at night and of course the one place I end up is on my blog. Funny how that happens!

I went back tonight and read my very first blog post. It was written on October 23, 2006. I was on my very first Freedom Experience tour with Brock Gill, Eleventyseven, Group 1 Crew, Tim Bryne and Outkast BMX. I can't even begin to type all the memories that just flooded my mind :)

Reading through that post and remembering that moment it made me stop and made me realize how far I've come since that day... How much I have learned... How many awesome people I've met. How many barriers I've jumped and challenges I've overcome. It's been incredible.

I say all that because after almost 5 years, my time in that ministry has come to an end. It's sad...it's super sad and I can't even say it's bittersweet because I'm gonna miss it so much. I can't find the sweet in leaving it. I'm gonna miss the people, the events, the crazy emails from crazy hosts, the questions about conduit and poster board, learning the secrets behind magic, trying new foods with Brock and Auny, experiencing new places, overcoming challenges with venues, audience members, parents and even rude pastors like Dan. Oh Dan, how you changed our lives and our trip to Disney forever haha :)

What an awesome few years! Thank you Brock & Auny for giving a small town North Carolina girl a chance to branch out and take a risk. Best risk I've ever taken! I'll never forget it. I can't... I have it tattooed across my foot :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Different Direction

I really don't write much anymore! But reading through some of my friend's blogs, it seems to be the trend.

I have no excuse, no apology or anything. All I can say is that my blog has become something that I no longer have much time for. It's pretty sad considering it's been a BIG part of my life for the past 5 years. I look back and read about all the places I've been, the things I've seen, all the things I've overcome, the heartbreaks, the amazing moments and all the goals, hopes and dreams I've accomplished! I must say it's been an awesome 5 years!

With all that said, I'm not giving up my blog...I'm just thinking of going in a different direction for a few months. Now some of you (the ones who have been waiting for a new post from me) are saying, 'What's this new direction?' Basically my blog is going to become a place for me to record memories and moments.

Now you're saying to yourself 'what's the difference in that and what you've been doing?' Well, I'm glad you asked.

There's not too much of a difference except it's going to be specifically geared towards my life moments. Recording events and things that go on in the day to day life of Shannon White. Pictures of vacations and friends... basically it's going to become my journal of life and all about me so that when I turn this blog into a book one day, it will represent my life to a T.

I hope that's okay?!

Do you guys think it's different from what I've been doing?? Would you still read if it's all about me, my thoughts, my fears and my daily experiences?

Hummmm, now I'm thinking it really isn't that much different!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Destin... How I missed you!

There's always those places that you just can't let go!

Destin/Fort Walton Beach is one of those places for me. You see, my first experience there was amazing! It was a Summer of living at the beach and getting work with with awesome people and just experiencing life on the road. We ate great food, we relaxed in the turquoise water and we embraced a place so beautiful that I teared up when we left.

Well, this past weekend I got to return to Destin/Fort Walton Beach and this time I got to share the moments and make new memories with Kevin!

It was so great! We ate at Old Bay Steamer... had some crab legs and shrimp that will make your mouth water. We walked along the white sandy beaches while the ocean breeze blew across our faces. We played football on the beach and relaxed under an umbrella. We even made time to go get doughnuts at the Donut Hole (twice). It was just an all around perfect weekend!

Memories made:

The Sunsets were gorgeous!

Then there was this sand hole. I thought it'd be fun to play in it, ha!

Feet by the water!

The water was just amazing!

I want to go back...NOW!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The only thing that cannot be bought

You know what?! I wish I had a remote for life because I would rewind to last night and pause it... just so I could be in that moment one more time :)

Yesterday I wrote about using every day to show someone that you love them and I definitely meant every word I typed. Kevin does a great job of that and last night was no different. He made me feel extra special last night and I felt like I should share that for all those Valentine lovers out there. But let me clarify... It was not because he took me out to an amazing dinner or because he had flowers and chocolates waiting for me (although I loved all of that more than I could write about)... he made me feel special because he gave me the one thing that can never be bought. True quality time! And because of that, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world!

Oh, but these definitely made me smile too...

Told you... I'm a sucker for beautiful flowers!

Thanks Kevin for making me feel special, 365 days a year!

Monday, February 14, 2011

The other 364 days

It's Valentine's Day!

A truly Hallmark holiday where you're supposed to shower your significant other with love by way of flowers and chocolate and cards and reservations and anything else that screams 'on this day I love you!' But what about the other 364 days of the year? Shouldn't those days be the same. Shouldn't it be that every day is a another day show your significant other just how much you love them?

Don't get me wrong, I love Valentine's Day. It's cutsie and I'm a sucker for flowers, but I do believe that every day should reflect love in a relationship. Every day that you wake up is another day for you to show them that you adore them, you love them and you are persistently pursuing them! There should be a Hallmark card for that!

I hope every one enjoys their Valentine's! My challenge to each of you is tomorrow when you wake up, make sure it's with the same initiative in mind... showing the one you love just how much you love them...and then repeat that for the next 364 days :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Theme: Transition

I see a trend... of me not writing. Sad I know!

I'm honestly still trying to figure out how to juggle everything. Working all day, then coming home and working most of the night while throwing in a social life, a boyfriend and time to meet new people and learn names....Sheesh I'm tired by 8:30 every night and that's way too early for this 28 year old to go to bed.

To catch everyone up, I am a week and a half in to my new job at Buckhead Church and all I can say is AMAZING. I am fully infatuated with my new postion and every day I learn a little more...making me more confident in the tasks I am handling. You see, I started at a really busy time for the High School Ministry. I entered the scene two weeks before the MyLife conference. There's registration going on and forms being dropped on my desk and leaders calling about food and travel and... well you name it. Everything that goes into planning a 1000 + student event is in full effect and I walked in to a fast paced learning time, haha! But honestly, that's my favorite. Throw me in full force and let me figure it out!

Bottom line: The new job is great. I have absolutely no complaints!

Transition seems to be the theme this year... at least in the first month! New job, New Roommate, New outlook on my Relationship, New friends and more. I'm excited.

My new roommate is precious! Although I'm going to miss my lovely Michelle and all the fun moments in our basement nook. Good thing she's only a few miles away!

My new outlook on my relationship is something I'll keep to myself but I will say it was very much needed and the outcome has been worth every day that I spent thinking and contemplating. Worth the tears...and I can't say that about much.

Wow, It's been a busy first month. Hmmm, I wonder what February is going to bring?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ready for New

Here I am ... Starting off my New Year with so many new things. Since I last wrote, seems like a whirlwind hit. One filled with some great things, some hard things and a whole bunch of snow and ice.

It's now, technically January 17 (since I'm writing at 12:30 AM) and my heart is so full that I can hardly explain everything. Since this blog is really for me to look back on in the future, I have to capture exactly what I am filling at this moment. So here we go...

I'm so excited and overwhelmed because I'm starting a new job in 7 days. A job with an organization that I have admired for almost 3 years now. A job that has a way of making me so anxious to start yet so scared at the same time. On January 24, 2011 I will begin my new position working for Buckhead Church, one of the three campuses associated with North Point Ministries. It's funny to see it typed on the screen because I never thought I would get my chance to work for the church that has taught me so much since I moved to Atlanta. It makes me smile. And the best part I get to be part of changing students lives. A dream and passion since my Caswell days :)

On the flip side though, I am sad to leave my co-workers at NAMB (the ones that are left). I have made some great friends working there over the past few years and I will miss their faces, their humor and the day-to-day friendship. I know we'll remain friends...I'm not worried about losing them. We've invested too much to let each other go. I will miss the 4th floor gossip sessions, the infamous bacon conversations, 5 pm workouts with Lebron and all those lunches with my rat pack! Sara, Kara, Darby, Matt, Shawn, Drew, Tim & Sarah, I adore you all and it's been a blessing to work side by side with each of you.

I'm ready for new. Something different and exciting. While I'll never forget the past, I can't wait to start my future!

More to come...

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

New Years Eve through Pictures :)

Here's our stylish group, all glammed up and ready to go out!

Heather and I were extremely excited that we found fun hats to wear!
Let's celebrate. Break out the horns

My beautiful friend Kristi.
And Stephen... not really sure what's going on here, haha!

Happy New Years!

Monday, January 03, 2011

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

14 inches of snow that is!

Probably the most snow I've ever seen :)

And my niece and I made the most of it...

Where did my feet go?

Even Cambi had fun in the snow :)

I think we should get that much snow every year! Here's hoping for another white Christmas next year.

Fingers crossed.