Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, February 14, 2011

The other 364 days

It's Valentine's Day!

A truly Hallmark holiday where you're supposed to shower your significant other with love by way of flowers and chocolate and cards and reservations and anything else that screams 'on this day I love you!' But what about the other 364 days of the year? Shouldn't those days be the same. Shouldn't it be that every day is a another day show your significant other just how much you love them?

Don't get me wrong, I love Valentine's Day. It's cutsie and I'm a sucker for flowers, but I do believe that every day should reflect love in a relationship. Every day that you wake up is another day for you to show them that you adore them, you love them and you are persistently pursuing them! There should be a Hallmark card for that!

I hope every one enjoys their Valentine's! My challenge to each of you is tomorrow when you wake up, make sure it's with the same initiative in mind... showing the one you love just how much you love them...and then repeat that for the next 364 days :)

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