Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, January 30, 2009

I'll be back soon...

Sorry for the delay on my writing...I am working at the Conclave conference till Saturday so I will be back then to write :)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thinking Cap

Well this is going to be a bit of a venting blog so read at your own disgression!

It's 12:30 AM and I, for some reason am still awake even though my day begins bright and early tomorrow at 6:30 AM!

Go to bed Shannon! I keep telling myself that.

I'm playing catch up on all the emails, trying to get it back down to a minimum and also trying to figure out which emails I have responded to and which ones I have overlooked accidentally. Lately all the email conversations are running together. Basically every conversation goes like this... We need promo materials! The video you sent me won't download! We want to have a band play before the show begins, can you approve that? I need quotes from all the past hosts and every school principle that you have ever worked with!

The answer to that last question is no! I can't!!

I mean seriously people, can you cut me just a little bit of slack and do a little bit of research yourself or at least learn how to download a video. I mean, all you do is click on it and then click download. How hard is that? Not hard at all...but no worries, I will stay up till 1 AM every night till you get all the materials you need!

"Why" you ask? Well it's quite simple...Because it's my job!

Although a little help from your thinking cap would help me to get a little more sleep at night! Could you at least try to do that for me? Please?

I would greatly appreciate it!!

OK venting session over...time to sleep(or nap since it will be so short)=(

Monday, January 26, 2009

I was on the big screen

I got to experience my first Hawk's game last night thanks to my friend Katie! She had an extra ticket and I just happen to be the lucky one to get it:)

I must say it was one of the most eventful nights I've had in a while. First thing, I ran into my friend Kyle who I haven't seen in almost a year. We just happen to pull in to a parking space right beside him. How awesome is that!

The awesomeness doesn't stop there! Here are more highlights from the evening...

*Having floor seats
*Seeing the massive SHAQ at a close distance.
*Kyle sending a text to the big screen that said 'Shannon White is a hottie' for the whole arena to see.
*Getting to be on the big screen for the first time
*Seeing Ciara at the game

It was a great night! Glad I got to spend some time with Katie and watch some great basketball!

Can't wait for night time:)

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Have you ever had one of those weeks, or maybe months where you feel deep down in your soul that something is missing? You can't quite put your finger on it but it's something that in midst of laughter touches you or in the middle of tears reminds you. I've had that feeling since about November and I think it has finally revealed itself to me.


I know that's a weird answer but it's the truth. The thing that has been missing for the past three months is time. Time to rest. Time to catch up. Time to call my dear friends and hear all about their lives. Time to sleep in. Time to enjoy my surroundings. Time to be with God. Time. Time. Time.

I was talking to a co-worker the other day who told me I needed to slow down. She said that I never just had time for myself because I was dedicating it all to events, emails, gatherings and basically everything else. She's right. My response shocked her and it shocked me too, to finally hear it coming out of my mouth. My response was...

I keep myself busy so that I don't have time to think about all the things that scare me. I'm 26...single and still battling with finances. I'm scared I'll never get married. Scared that I will never be able to fully support a family. Scared that if I take myself out the circle, my friends wont even notice I'm not there. Basically I'm scared to slow down in the fear that I will realize that I'm not the social norm, haha.

It was a pretty long answer but since that day I've had to think, a lot. I've had time to rest, reflect and to be with God and the great thing is I don't think I have anything to be scared of. I have a great job with wonderful people and a salary that may not allow me a mansion, but allows me food, shelter and the freedom to do the things that I love.

I have some wonderful friends that take care of me and show me that life is about laughing and loving. They are there when I need someone to talk to. They are there when I need someone to cry to. And the best part is they're there...even the ones that live hundreds of miles away.(Thanks Kristen)

I have the greatest family who has stood beside me through all my choices, all my moves and all my struggles. They love me unconditionally no matter how much money I make, how many relationships fail and how much time goes by. My dad once told me,"I am proud of you because you are you!" My mom once said, "That's what I'm here for. To help you and to love you!" They are so great.

And the number reason I shouldn't be scared is because I have a God that is bigger than all my circumstances, all my 'so-called' failures and all my struggles. He has big plans for me and needs some time alone with me so he can reveal them!

So, I don't really do New Years resolutions and the fact that it's almost February means I would be a month late making one anyway, but here is my goal for 2009...

Spend more time in silence, listening for the whispers of God. Spend more time loving on my family, my friends and my work mates. Spend more time on me...resting, reflecting and relaxing!

I like this goal :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The bob is back with a twist!

SO I have been growing my hair out for the past 4 and a half months. I have been super excited about having a pony tail and just having long hair that I can flip, haha. I've had a bob hair cut for a little over a year and I just thought that I should do something different, like grow it out.

Well all that changed today!

I got a hair cut and my stylist for some reason loves my hair short so all that work growing it out was a waste. But I think I like it! Ryan, my stylist says that its very rockstarish...I hope everyone else thinks the same.

Here we go...

Tell me what you think!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Headline of the Day...

Note to self never throw snow at a cop! ECU students, way to make the news :)

North Carolina Campus Police Arrest Student During Snowball Fight

Friday, January 23, 2009

GREENVILLE, N.C. — Campus police at East Carolina University said they made one arrest and used pepper spray on some students as officers tried to control a huge snowball fight on campus.

Police were called to a dormitory three times as more than 200 students pelted each other with snowballs as a rare snowstorm dropped several inches of snow in eastern North Carolina on Tuesday, The Daily Reflector of Greenville reported Thursday.

Some witnesses said they were hit hard by indiscriminately hurled snowballs.

"It all started in good nature, but then people were throwing them as hard as they could at each other. They were everywhere," said junior Brandon Davis, noting he got hit in the head.

He said a girl was knocked to the ground after being hit in the face with a snowball thrown from 10 feet away, while another student cried after getting hit in the eye.

Police said an officer used pepper spray on a group of students that rushed officers trying to make an arrest. Authorities estimate between 200 and 250 people were involved, but no serious injuries were reported.

Matt Lunchick, a junior, said he saw an officer tackle and arrest a student after the officer was hit with a snowball in the back. He also said officers told some students not to dump tubs of snow into cars.

Steven Rashad Bass, 18, was arrested and charged with assault on a government official, and resisting, delaying and obstructing a law enforcement officer. He was later released from the Pitt County Detention Center, jail officials said Thursday.

Bass was scheduled to appear in court March 3. His telephone number couldn't be found, and he didn't immediately return an e-mail Thursday.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inspired by God

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach
us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in
our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches
us to do what is right.

2 Timothy 3:16 (New Living Translation)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Office Dare #2

I love Sara's office DARE calendar!

Not sure if you can read that so I will type it out for you!
January 21
Place sticky notes that read "left" and "right" on your shoes. Walk around all day with them.

Yep, we did it! Matt, Shawn, Sara and myself made a statement with sticky notes and markers!

Brings a smile to the face, huh?! :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Side Effects

So I am beginning to think that this whole Accutane experience may not be worth it! For those of you who didn't know, I started taken this medicine almost two months ago to help clear up my skin...every girl's dream, right? Everyone told me that it's totally worth it because the results are amazing. What they didn't say is that the side effects are not amazing.

I woke up this morning with my nose bleeding and a wicked headache...two things that don't go together very well. This is the first time in 26 years that I have ever had a nose bleed(well that I can remember). So being the little researcher that I am, I got out the medicine box and read a few of the side effects. There's actually way more than a few. Listen to these...

blurred vision
severe chest, stomach and bowel pain
back pain
joint pain
painful swallowing

...and these aren't all of them! What the crap?

The things we do to be pretty, or try to be pretty. I would like to know if anyone else has ever taken this medicine and if so, did you ever have any of these side effects?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Catching up ain't easy

Have you ever had one of those weeks when all you can think about is getting to the weekend so you can sleep in and catch up? That was me this week. I have been going to bed super late and getting up super early and I knew that if I cold just make it to Sunday I could sleep in and wake up refreshed, ready to start my new week. Well I made it to Sunday so at least I accomplished that goal, but the refreshed part was rudely interrupted around 3:00 AM this morning.

There I was all snuggled up in my bed, probably dreaming about something awesome when this loud screeching noise began filling my apartment. At first I thought it was my cell phone alarm going off until I picked up the phone and nothing was happening. I jumped up, slightly disoriented, realizing that the noise was the fire alarm...not just my single apartment's fire alarm but the entire building's fire alarm.

Jen and I put on our hoodies and jackets(since it is a whooping 15 degrees outside) and headed to the streets. There were several people outside and most of them were not very happy about the situation. The bright red fire truck showed up a few minutes later and they searched the building for flames or smoke or anything that would have set that loud annoying noise off. But guess what...it was a false alarm! So for almost an hour and a half, we battled the cold and basically went deaf. Arghhh, felt like living in the dorms all over again.

Well I guess there's always next weekend in catch up on sleep!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fun Moments at Work

There is never a dull day in my office! People riding scooters around! Free Krispy Kreme donuts! Oh and of course, the new awesome game 'Hide the Annie.' The days are always full of laughs...

Here are two fun moments from this week:

Yes that is a home-made toll jar.

You see, the calendar dare for Monday was to demand toll money from every person that passed your desk. Well, since my desk is grand central station, I accumulated $1.47, a Hershey kiss, a paper clip and two IOUs...one for 5 cents and the other for 52 million! You can bet I'm going to claim that one!

Now this photo...let me see, how can I describe this one? This is Josh and that large Styrofoam thing he is holding is a key chain. Apparently someone is worried about thieves in this building, haha! It was great watching him pose like a tiger for this picture.

We always find a way to make the day fun. I'll try to take more fun shots next week so stay tuned:)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Malik's story

I want to introduce you to my new friend...

...this is Malik, my new 4Runner!

OK OK calm down, I know he is beautiful but you have to hear the story.

My dad is the master at negotiation. I have never seen anyone talk down the price of a car that low...a brand new car at that! I was super impressed and a little scared of my Pops all at the same time. He totally knew just what to say and just who to talk to! I have to learn that skill one day.

Dad can we set up classes so you can teach me?

Now most of you are thinking to yourself, "Didn't she just get a new car?" The answer is yes but the sad thing is that car was indeed a lemon! NEVER buy an Equinox (that's just my opinion). It had an un-fixable problem and the mechanic wanted to spend way too much money trying fix something he couldn't guarantee would work. NOT Smart! So we decided it would be better to get a car that worked and that car just happened to be the car I have wanted since I was 16. Dreams really do come true, haha!

So there it is...Malik's story:) Thanks Daddy for being so awesome at negotiation and at being my dad! Love you.

Now who wants to take a ride in my new car?? No charge:)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

All moved in...

MOVING...not my favorite thing but my apartment, I LOVE!

Jen and I moved into our new apartment last Friday night with the help of my Dad, my uncle Doug, Walker, Pitts(a beast of a man) and Chris. Thank God for strong boys because I could barely lift boxes with my clothes in it. I would hate to think what I would have looked like trying to lift a sofa or my dresser! Actually I know what I would have looked like...broken and laid in a bed for a week because of massive back pain, haha!

Anywho, the apartment is shaping up. We need to get some rugs and frames up and then I will take some photos for you all to see. You're all gonna love it which means you all have to visit soon...VERY soon!

Pictures will be up soon :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Love this verse...

Earn a reputation for living well
in God's eyes and the eyes of the people.

Proverbs 3:4 (The Message)

Monday, January 12, 2009

The World of Coke

Yep, we went!

Saturday we decided to take a little break from moving and cleaning and venture downtown. We were thirsty and what better way to quench a thirst than to get a coke! 64 for different types of coke to be exact!

Let me just give you a word of advice...the only types of Coke that taste good are from North America. The other 50 or so taste like nasty!

Here's my attempt to taste 'The Beverly' from Europe...

...and here's what I thought!

Straight garbage!

We had a great time and I hope to take many more tourist trips with Dad!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lacking Creativity

I apologize for my lack of creativity lately. My life has been on a whirlwind since I got back from Christmas break... but a good whirlwind!

I have so much to tell you and so many pictures to show you! Stories about moving into my new apartment, photos of my newest love(it's a car, no boy yet) and glances into what is next in the life of Shannon.

Hope you're ready:)

Monday, January 05, 2009

Three things

Three things:

I have awesome friends!
I hate painting and packing!
I need sleep!

- the end!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Fixated on the green


For the past three days we have been painting non-stop. My eyes are totally fixated on green, blue and mocha colored paint. I am having dreams about blue painter's tape, clear drop clothes and rinsing out brushes. But I have to admit, I am not a fan of painting but since it has allowed me some time to hang out and learn more about my friends, it is well worth it (but I still dislike painting, haha).

Here are some quick shots of us painting...

Yep, that's a Piggly Wiggly shirt!

Jen is a tape master

Walker do you see that unpainted spot? haha

Walker, Katie, Shawn, Brock, Megan, & Drew, thanks for helping Jen and I make our apartment look awesome!

Friday, January 02, 2009

How could I forget?

So I realized this morning that I haven't even written about my amazing New Year's Eve extravaganza... What is wrong with me?

How could I forget the highlight of my week?

I'm slipping people...pray for me:)

Anyway, Wednesday night was a night filled with party dresses, silver and gold balloons, a toast as the ball fell at midnight and a hand full of my favorite people.

It all began at a little Thai restaurant in downtown Atlanta called Nan...I am still having day dreams about the fabulous dish I had. Yum!!! Once our bellies were full, we headed to the Ritz Carlton for a little music and dancing...Yes I said Ritz Carlton! I'm not even going to lie, I felt a little glamorous! I got to dance, see some friends rock out on stage and just enjoy ringing in the New Year Ritz style:)

Here are some snapshots from the night:

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Dear 2009

Dear 2009,

Now that we have officially met and spent our first day side-by-side, there are few things we need to discuss before we further this relationship for the next 364 days. I believe a pact needs to be made on both our parts in order to make the most of our time together...

I need for you to promise me that you will be filled with new experiences, new places for me visit, new people for me to meet and a new chapter for me to write in my book of life! Create moments where I will be consumed with building solid friendships, dedicated to my ministry through my career and completely infatuated with what God has to show me.

My promise to you is that I will do everything in my power to enjoy the little things you provide, to embrace the situations that occur and to take things one day at a time. I will not rush through the laughter or scurry through the tears because I know that every moment is teaching me something...even if I have to wait till 2010 to figure it out:)

With this pact in place and both our signatures at the bottom, I believe that this could be the best year/relationship yet! See me for the paperwork:)

Sincerely devoted to you,


P.S. I plan on turning in my red shirt this week since the season is over, so if we could add a sweet boy to the list of things you promise me, that would be awesome!