Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thinking Cap

Well this is going to be a bit of a venting blog so read at your own disgression!

It's 12:30 AM and I, for some reason am still awake even though my day begins bright and early tomorrow at 6:30 AM!

Go to bed Shannon! I keep telling myself that.

I'm playing catch up on all the emails, trying to get it back down to a minimum and also trying to figure out which emails I have responded to and which ones I have overlooked accidentally. Lately all the email conversations are running together. Basically every conversation goes like this... We need promo materials! The video you sent me won't download! We want to have a band play before the show begins, can you approve that? I need quotes from all the past hosts and every school principle that you have ever worked with!

The answer to that last question is no! I can't!!

I mean seriously people, can you cut me just a little bit of slack and do a little bit of research yourself or at least learn how to download a video. I mean, all you do is click on it and then click download. How hard is that? Not hard at all...but no worries, I will stay up till 1 AM every night till you get all the materials you need!

"Why" you ask? Well it's quite simple...Because it's my job!

Although a little help from your thinking cap would help me to get a little more sleep at night! Could you at least try to do that for me? Please?

I would greatly appreciate it!!

OK venting session over...time to sleep(or nap since it will be so short)=(

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