Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, January 12, 2009

The World of Coke

Yep, we went!

Saturday we decided to take a little break from moving and cleaning and venture downtown. We were thirsty and what better way to quench a thirst than to get a coke! 64 for different types of coke to be exact!

Let me just give you a word of advice...the only types of Coke that taste good are from North America. The other 50 or so taste like nasty!

Here's my attempt to taste 'The Beverly' from Europe...

...and here's what I thought!

Straight garbage!

We had a great time and I hope to take many more tourist trips with Dad!!

2 awesome remarks:

Msha said...

aw, fun. and also, LIKE that jacket! ha :D

Anonymous said...

We did that when we came to visit over the Summer...and yes, international drinks are horrible...but that's why Coke doesn't market them to the U.S. And I hated the "Coke" roulette of not knowing which rinks were carbonated.