Butterfly Sparks Designs

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The bob is back with a twist!

SO I have been growing my hair out for the past 4 and a half months. I have been super excited about having a pony tail and just having long hair that I can flip, haha. I've had a bob hair cut for a little over a year and I just thought that I should do something different, like grow it out.

Well all that changed today!

I got a hair cut and my stylist for some reason loves my hair short so all that work growing it out was a waste. But I think I like it! Ryan, my stylist says that its very rockstarish...I hope everyone else thinks the same.

Here we go...

Tell me what you think!

2 awesome remarks:

Anonymous said...

does it include a little blue? ;)

I miss you and love you and want to see you soon!

kelli beth said...

super cute!! (as always!)