Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, June 30, 2011

30 Day Challenge in July

So, as if I didn't have enough on my plate already, I've decided to take on yet another challenge... but this one is all about me. For the next 30 days, you're going to learn a little more about me through pictures and stories :) July is going to become an interesting read for some of you!!

Here's what you have to look forward to...

Day 01 - A Picture of Yourself and Ten Facts.
Day 02 - A Picture of You and the Person You have been Closest with the Longest.
Day 03 - A Picture of the Cast from Your Favorite Show.
Day 04 - A Picture of Your Favorite Memory
Day 05 - A Picture of Your Night
Day 06 - A Picture of a Person You'd Love to Trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A Picture of Your Childhood Crush
Day 08 - A Picture that makes you Laugh
Day 09 - A Picture of the Person who has gotten You through the most
Day 10 - A Picture of the Person You do the oddest things with
Day 11 - A Picture of something You Hate
Day 12 - A Picture of something You Love
Day 13 - A Picture of someone You Miss
Day 14 - A Picture of Someone You could never Imagine Your Life without
Day 15 - A Picture of something You want to do before You Die
Day 16 - A Picture of someone who Inspires You
Day 17 - A Picture of something that has made a huge Impact on Your Life recently
Day 18 - A Picture of You're Least Favorite Trait
Day 19 - A Picture of a habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 20 - A Picture of somewhere You'd Love to Travel
Day 21 - A Picture of something You Wish You could Forget
Day 22 - A Picture of something You Wish You were better at
Day 23 - A Picture of Your Favorite Book
Day 24 - A Picture of Something You Wish You Could Change
Day 25 - A Picture of Your Day
Day 26 - A Picture of Something that Means a lot to You
Day 27 - A Picture of Yourself and a Family Member
Day 28 - A Picture of Something That Always Makes Your Day
Day 29 - A Picture that Can Always Make You Smile
Day 30 - A Picture that Describes You Perfectly

1 awesome remarks:

Anonymous said...

ohhh I'm excited :) as if I don't know enough about you, I'm excited to learn more! love you!