Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, September 15, 2008

Bringing church to them!

I totally forgot to tell you all about one of the coolest new projects in the Atlanta area (I know I've mentioned it but here's more). It's called the Buckhead Music Project and it's taking place in a local bar near you. Some of you are seriously confused right now because I just used the words Buckhead and bar in the same sentence but it's true.

Buckhead church is reaching out to the community in a new, innovative way. It's our way of reaching to those who would never step foot in a church. We're bringing the church to them in a rocking new way!

Here are pictures of night one...

My girl Chrystina killing it...she was amazing!

Moxie rocked the place!

Me, Nikki and Jen excited about the night

Hope to see you all at the next one in November!!!

1 awesome remarks:

Anonymous said...

i miss you
let's talk soon! :)