Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A case of Hives

I think something is wrong with me...now I'm not trying to be sarcastic so all of you that just thought in your head " I've known that for years" please refrain!

But seriously, I really think something is wrong with me! I woke up this morning with a case of hives. I had some serious whelps on stomach, down my back and on my hands and I was having a little bit of trouble breathing. I was itchy and it was very unattractive. Not a great thing to wake up to.

I took some Benadryl when I arrived at work so that I wouldn't pass out on stage this morning during the second verse of 'You are God Alone'(I had to sing in Chapel this morning at NAMB in case you were wondering why I was on stage). But now I am sitting here trying to figure out why this happened. My diagnosis...stress and stupid Sheetrock dust in my room from traumatic ceiling collapse.

Cure: Hmmmm well that is undetermined! I mean, I could rest to cure the stress but that would require laying in my bed which has the Sheetrock dust nestled in my comforter. So there lies yet another problem. Why is life so complicated?

Any suggestions for a remedy?

1 awesome remarks:

kelli beth said...

my sister had a case of mysterious hives a few weeks ago...no bueno! benadryl was her bff! and take some time to relax (maybe on the couch...not the bed)!! :) hope you're feeling better!