It's amazing what you can learn in five years! It's just as amazing how fast five years can fly by!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
A milestone marking a goodbye
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, October 23, 2011 2 awesome remarks
Monday, September 05, 2011
Two whole years
Can you believe that?! Guess you need to know what I'm talking about first, huh? Well, I'm referring to my relationship with Mr. Kevin Walters. Today marks two years that we've been together and what a perfectly, challenging roller coaster that I don't ever want to get off of :)
Posted by Shannon on Monday, September 05, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Day 30 - A Picture that Describes You Perfectly
This is pretty much me! I don't have much to give, but I will give you my heart and my love!
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, July 30, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Friday, July 29, 2011
Day 29 - A Picture that Can Always Make You Smile
This picture can make me smile even on the worst days!
Posted by Shannon on Friday, July 29, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Day 28 - A Picture of Something That Always Makes Your Day
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, July 28, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Day 27 - A Picture of Yourself and a Family Member
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Day 26 - A Picture of Something that Means a lot to You
So I'm realizing that I don't take enough pictures to be able to post on my blog the expectations of this Challenge :(
I don't have a picture of the something that means a lot to me so I'll just describe it to you...
In the summer of 2002, I started working at Camp Caswell. Greatest Summer Ever! Anyway, I have a lunch bag with the theme from that summer ('That New Thing'). Now I know what your thinking... Really? A lunch bag? Let me explain... In that lunch bag there is about 1000 pictures from that summer. Pictures of people who are still my best friends today, 9 years later. I love to look through that lunch bag and remember that summer. The super early mornings and the extremely late evenings. Cleaning Oceana and finding surprises every Sunday that made us laugh and laugh and laugh. Running the putt putt course for hours and hours in the 100 degree gym. Listening the Amy Salley give us instructions over the radio. The Mountain Dew... Oh the Mountain Dew. The talks. The tears. The Worship. Vespers. Hatch. Oh my, I could type for hours.
Yep, that lunch bag is special to me! Extremely special :)
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Monday, July 25, 2011
Day 25 - A Picture of Your Day
This is a picture of my day :)
It's such a relaxing day! I could get used to this!
Posted by Shannon on Monday, July 25, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Day 24 - A Picture of Something You Wish You Could Change
I wish I could make cupcakes healthy :)
I could seriously eat one a day... but since they're fattening I don't.
I wish I could change that!
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, July 24, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Day 23 - A Picture of Your Favorite Book
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, July 23, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Friday, July 22, 2011
Day 22 - A Picture of something You Wish You were better at
Posted by Shannon on Friday, July 22, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Day 21 - A Picture of something You Wish You could Forget
This blog post would never go over well if I actually posted a picture of something I wish I could forget. I think it would be totally foolish of me to throw out something like that... to air my baggage for all the world to see. Not smart! Some things should just remain in my head... Not on a computer screen! But I will talk about something I wish I could forget... Something web appropriate.
You see, when I was younger, I wasn't exactly the perfect sister. I am 3 years older than my brother and I was that sister that really hated that my younger brother wanted to hang out with me. Kind of like the' too cool for school' mentality. Anyway, I was so mean to my brother. He was heavier when we were kids and I definitely used that to my advantage. When I would get upset, I would call him names and most of those names dealt with his weight. Ugh, I am terrible sister. I know I hurt his feelings and I feel bad about it now. As I look back, I was so hurtful to him when all he wanted was to be around me and be accepted.
Later, when I went off to college, my brother told me that he had always looked up to me and wanted to be just like me (minus the being a girl part). Can you believe that? Me, someone who said such awful things!
Anyway I wish I could forget all of that...but better yet, I wish I had never said those hurtful things! I know you can't change the past but I do know that the past has definitely affected my future. I'm not perfect but I can say that I have become a much better, more encouraging sister.
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, July 21, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Day 20 - A Picture of somewhere You'd Love to Travel
I mean seriously, How gorgeous is that picture?!
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Day 19 - A Picture of a habit that you wish you didn't have
This is slightly embarrassing but, I really wish I didn't cry every time I got upset or was angry! I mean some people don't really think of crying as a habit but, when you do it as often as I do, it is! I am so freakin emotional and it drives me crazy!
Have you ever stood in front of a mirror and had a 'pretend' argument with yourself? Basically your reflection being the person you are wanting to confront or you're wanting yell at, as loud as your little voice box can yell. I have these often because 1. I am terrible a confrontation (as I mentioned in my last blog) and 2. I don't cry when I when I do this. Granted, I'm not dealing with the issue because I'm arguing with myself but I do feel better afterwards (how pathetic is that?)
Anyway, I really wish I was a little stronger sometimes! Like, I'm not trying to sound like a victim (even though I know that' what I sound like) but, I would love to be able to tell people my mind without having remorse or having a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I hurt their feelings. Ugh, what an awful cycle! I need help... or a counselor... or someone to teach me how to be strong or to throw punches or something!
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Monday, July 18, 2011
Day 18 - A Picture of You're Least Favorite Trait
This gets me in trouble a lot cause I don't express my feelings well and I tend to hold things in until I explode with a cause of verbal diarrhea. Not a good thing!
Posted by Shannon on Monday, July 18, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Day 17 - A Picture of something that has made a huge Impact on Your Life recently
Well it's not a something... it's a someone!
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, July 17, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Day 16 - A Picture of someone who Inspires You
I need to think on this one for a day or two cause I want it be more than a photo.
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, July 16, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Friday, July 15, 2011
Day 15 - A Picture of something You want to do before You Die
Again so many things... I even have my own Bucket List. It's called a Day Zero Project but it's the same concept!

Posted by Shannon on Friday, July 15, 2011 2 awesome remarks
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Day 14 - A Picture of Someone You could never Imagine Your Life without
WOW... These just keep getting harder and harder!
It's really hard for me to narrow down ONE person that I couldn't imagine my life without. There are so many that would fall into that category... like my Dad, Mom, Brother, Niece, Grandmother... you get the gist. I could never imagine my life without my family. I guess aside from them, and for the purposes of this blog, the person I am going to choose to write about is...
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, July 14, 2011 1 awesome remarks
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Day 13 - A Picture of someone You Miss

Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Day 12 - A Picture of something You Love
A picture of something I love... that's easy! I LOVE Caswell.
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Monday, July 11, 2011
Day 11 - A Picture of something You Hate
Hate is a very strong word and I do try my best not to use it... So for this blog I am posting a picture of something I dislike. It sounds more appeasing :)
Posted by Shannon on Monday, July 11, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Day 10 - A Picture of the Person You do the oddest things with
This one's just weird to me. The oddest things? In my head I'm trying to define this so I write about it. Give about 10 minutes to think on this one...
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, July 10, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Day 9 - A Picture of the Person who has gotten You through the most
Hmmmm.... gotten me through the most?!
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, July 09, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Friday, July 08, 2011
Day 8 - A Picture that makes you Laugh
So, there are multiple photos that make me laugh. I could probably put together an entire album just dedicated to funny pictures. Hmmmm, maybe I'll do that in my spare time.
Posted by Shannon on Friday, July 08, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Day 7 - A Picture of Your Childhood Crush
Now let's be honest here... if I posted a picture of my childhood crush, it would just be plain weird. Especially if I posted one of him in the present. Let's just say he's not really my type any more. I guess 3rd grade crushes really don't extend into years passed elementary school, ha!
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, July 07, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Day 6 - A Picture of a Person You'd Love to Trade places with for a day
Hmmm ... this is tough one!

Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, July 06, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Day 5 - A Picture of Your Night
Now I'm not sure if I'm supposed to have some extravagant picture of me on the top of a 10 story building in downtown ATL, under the fireworks or what, but this picture is not that.
Here is my night...
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, July 05, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Monday, July 04, 2011
Day 4 - A Picture of Your Favorite Memory
I'm not sure if I ever posted this picture to my blog around the time it was taken, but this was day one :) This picture is from Labor Day 2009, the day Kevin and I started dating! It still stands as my favorite memory.
Posted by Shannon on Monday, July 04, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Sunday, July 03, 2011
Day 3 - A Picture from Your Favorite Show.
This one is a little tough for me because I don't really have a favorite show.

Posted by Shannon on Sunday, July 03, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Saturday, July 02, 2011
Day 2 - A Picture of You and the Person You have been Closest with the Longest.

Posted by Shannon on Saturday, July 02, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Friday, July 01, 2011
Day 1 - A Picture of Yourself and Ten Facts.
- Hi, my name is Shannon and I'm a workaholic. I don't like leaving work till I've completed my entire task list for the day... which creates some late nights at the office for me.
- I have a mild obsession with cupcakes, especially Gi Gi's.
- I collect two things: sand from different beaches that I've traveled to and lapel pins from every city I've visited. I have a giant map in my room that houses the pins. My goal is to cover my map!
- I cry when I'm mad because I don't know how to deal with confrontation.
- I have kept the same plant alive for 8 years. It's moved 3 states with me.
- I hate wearing shorts and I can't really explain why.
- I won the sportsmanship award all 4 years playing high school basketball.
- I have this tradition of visiting Camp Caswell every summer... going to the PX... and picking an item out from Yam. One of my favorite traditions!
- I have a very good memory and that sometimes gets me in trouble.
- I am a country girl trying to mold into a city girl. Grew up driving tractors, playing in fields and catching brim in the ponds. Like they say, 'you can take the girl out of country but you can't the country out of the girl.' TRUE statement!!
Posted by Shannon on Friday, July 01, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Thursday, June 30, 2011
30 Day Challenge in July
So, as if I didn't have enough on my plate already, I've decided to take on yet another challenge... but this one is all about me. For the next 30 days, you're going to learn a little more about me through pictures and stories :) July is going to become an interesting read for some of you!!
Here's what you have to look forward to...
Day 01 - A Picture of Yourself and Ten Facts.
Day 02 - A Picture of You and the Person You have been Closest with the Longest.
Day 03 - A Picture of the Cast from Your Favorite Show.
Day 04 - A Picture of Your Favorite Memory
Day 05 - A Picture of Your Night
Day 06 - A Picture of a Person You'd Love to Trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A Picture of Your Childhood Crush
Day 08 - A Picture that makes you Laugh
Day 09 - A Picture of the Person who has gotten You through the most
Day 10 - A Picture of the Person You do the oddest things with
Day 11 - A Picture of something You Hate
Day 12 - A Picture of something You Love
Day 13 - A Picture of someone You Miss
Day 14 - A Picture of Someone You could never Imagine Your Life without
Day 15 - A Picture of something You want to do before You Die
Day 16 - A Picture of someone who Inspires You
Day 17 - A Picture of something that has made a huge Impact on Your Life recently
Day 18 - A Picture of You're Least Favorite Trait
Day 19 - A Picture of a habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 20 - A Picture of somewhere You'd Love to Travel
Day 21 - A Picture of something You Wish You could Forget
Day 22 - A Picture of something You Wish You were better at
Day 23 - A Picture of Your Favorite Book
Day 24 - A Picture of Something You Wish You Could Change
Day 25 - A Picture of Your Day
Day 26 - A Picture of Something that Means a lot to You
Day 27 - A Picture of Yourself and a Family Member
Day 28 - A Picture of Something That Always Makes Your Day
Day 29 - A Picture that Can Always Make You Smile
Day 30 - A Picture that Describes You Perfectly
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, June 30, 2011 1 awesome remarks
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
How can you teach service?
I haven't really written in a while! You know, the kind of writing that makes you think and gets your creative juices flowing. The kind of writing that makes you stop and go 'huh, I never thought of it that way!' Hopefully that's what this blog post will do for you!
I got into a conversation this past Sunday about teaching. Now, the person I was talking may not realize that I got 'teaching' out of our convo but I did. Here's a thought to ponder...
If you don't teach your child to truly know what service is, do you think that they will grow up to have a servant's heart?
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Tattooed Across my Foot
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, June 01, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A Different Direction
I really don't write much anymore! But reading through some of my friend's blogs, it seems to be the trend.
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Destin... How I missed you!
There's always those places that you just can't let go!

The Sunsets were gorgeous!

Then there was this sand hole. I thought it'd be fun to play in it, ha!

Feet by the water!
The water was just amazing!
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, April 10, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The only thing that cannot be bought
You know what?! I wish I had a remote for life because I would rewind to last night and pause it... just so I could be in that moment one more time :)
Yesterday I wrote about using every day to show someone that you love them and I definitely meant every word I typed. Kevin does a great job of that and last night was no different. He made me feel extra special last night and I felt like I should share that for all those Valentine lovers out there. But let me clarify... It was not because he took me out to an amazing dinner or because he had flowers and chocolates waiting for me (although I loved all of that more than I could write about)... he made me feel special because he gave me the one thing that can never be bought. True quality time! And because of that, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world!
Oh, but these definitely made me smile too...
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, February 15, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Monday, February 14, 2011
The other 364 days
It's Valentine's Day!
A truly Hallmark holiday where you're supposed to shower your significant other with love by way of flowers and chocolate and cards and reservations and anything else that screams 'on this day I love you!' But what about the other 364 days of the year? Shouldn't those days be the same. Shouldn't it be that every day is a another day show your significant other just how much you love them?
Don't get me wrong, I love Valentine's Day. It's cutsie and I'm a sucker for flowers, but I do believe that every day should reflect love in a relationship. Every day that you wake up is another day for you to show them that you adore them, you love them and you are persistently pursuing them! There should be a Hallmark card for that!
I hope every one enjoys their Valentine's! My challenge to each of you is tomorrow when you wake up, make sure it's with the same initiative in mind... showing the one you love just how much you love them...and then repeat that for the next 364 days :)
Posted by Shannon on Monday, February 14, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Monday, January 31, 2011
Theme: Transition
I see a trend... of me not writing. Sad I know!
I'm honestly still trying to figure out how to juggle everything. Working all day, then coming home and working most of the night while throwing in a social life, a boyfriend and time to meet new people and learn names....Sheesh I'm tired by 8:30 every night and that's way too early for this 28 year old to go to bed.
To catch everyone up, I am a week and a half in to my new job at Buckhead Church and all I can say is AMAZING. I am fully infatuated with my new postion and every day I learn a little more...making me more confident in the tasks I am handling. You see, I started at a really busy time for the High School Ministry. I entered the scene two weeks before the MyLife conference. There's registration going on and forms being dropped on my desk and leaders calling about food and travel and... well you name it. Everything that goes into planning a 1000 + student event is in full effect and I walked in to a fast paced learning time, haha! But honestly, that's my favorite. Throw me in full force and let me figure it out!
Bottom line: The new job is great. I have absolutely no complaints!
Transition seems to be the theme this year... at least in the first month! New job, New Roommate, New outlook on my Relationship, New friends and more. I'm excited.
My new roommate is precious! Although I'm going to miss my lovely Michelle and all the fun moments in our basement nook. Good thing she's only a few miles away!
My new outlook on my relationship is something I'll keep to myself but I will say it was very much needed and the outcome has been worth every day that I spent thinking and contemplating. Worth the tears...and I can't say that about much.
Wow, It's been a busy first month. Hmmm, I wonder what February is going to bring?
Posted by Shannon on Monday, January 31, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Ready for New
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, January 16, 2011 1 awesome remarks
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
New Years Eve through Pictures :)
Here's our stylish group, all glammed up and ready to go out!
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, January 04, 2011 0 awesome remarks
Monday, January 03, 2011
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow
Posted by Shannon on Monday, January 03, 2011 0 awesome remarks