Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, May 29, 2009

Hillsong UNITED

OK so I neglected to write yesterday about my amazing experience Wednesday night and because I left you guys hanging for a whole day, let me make it up to you...

Free Coffee and Coupons at Borders

Yep that's right...go have a cup of coffee on me(in a sense) haha!

Now, on to the experience. Wednesday night I got to go see Hillsong United in concert!! >that's a big deal so you can gasp if you want. I mean I did<

It was the most incredible experience to worship in an amphitheater with several hundred people. Hands were raised, people were jumping around, voices were lifted without concern for who was watching and God was there...He even put on a little light show for us :)

A storm blew through around the middle of the concert bringing bold flashes of lighting and intense vibrating thunder. Now, I'm not much for standing out in the middle of a storm since there's that whole 'getting struck by lighting thing' but this was different. I wasn't worried one bit because I was standing in the middle of beauty and I knew that God was watching over each of us. He just wanted us to see how amazing He was by showing off a little :)

If you have the opportunity to go see Hillsong United while they're in the states, DO IT! It's an experience you will never forget!!

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