Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, June 01, 2009

Where did the months go?

Oh my goodness...it's June!! Where did the first five months of 2009 go? My list of things to accomplish hasn't gotten any smaller and the year is almost half over. What is my deal? I need to get crackin!

Things I hope to work on in the month of June:
1. Making more time for myself
2. Quit stressing over the things I can't control
3. Stop trying to make things happen and let God make them happen
4. Sleep more..add more naps in my day!
5. Meet some new people
6. Find my prince charming and ride off into the sunset, haha
7. Eat some crab cakes at Barbara Jeans
8. Write in my journal more
9. Read the Matthew, Mark and Luke again
10.Sing more :)

I think I can accomplish most of those in 30 days. I mean let's be honest I was able cross off three things in the month of May and I had 31 days, that's pathetic. June will be different.

So which ones do you think I'll accomplish? Any guess...

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