Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, May 17, 2009

It's a matter...

It's a matter of hope! Something that you pray for but never really expect it to happen. It's the way you feel when the right thing is said or the very touch leaves goosebumps up and down your arms.

It's a matter of belief! One that gives you the sense that one day things will change and the circumstances will be different. One day eyes will be opened and instead looking at it from a unfocused lens, you look at clearly and perfectly just the way God intended.

It's a matter of chance! When you mind changes from the pessimistic view you've always had to an optimistic view that God has always had. Leaving your heart ready and excited.

It's a matter of prayer! Giving it to God and believing that He will put your best interest at heart. He will guide the situation to where it should be and where He had always planned for it to be.

It's a matter of trust! Trusting that what will happen is in your best interest and not getting upset if it doesn't go the way you planned.

Now all I have to do, is follow these! Whew, tough but necessary!

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