Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Sometimes God asks you to do the ridiculous so He can do the miraculous! He has a funny way of doing that, huh!

It amazes me the things that come up or the things that are placed in front of your face. I'm not talking about amazing opportunities or the relationship of your lifetime. I am referring to the things that we see as trials or headaches and heartaches. We get so frustrated at the ridiculous that we forget that God puts things in our lives to teach us, to prepare us and to humor us :)

Why am I saying all this? You know, I'm not really sure. It's just what's on my heart and the point that I am trying to make for myself is sometimes things don't work out, sometimes things can be tough and sometimes you may feel like you're the only that has ever dealt with the situation at hand. The truth, about 99% of the time, is God is teaching you something...plain and simple.

When was the last that you can of, when there was a situation that you swore you'd never get through only to look back today and know why it all happened. You can recall all the heartache, all the drama and all the words but when you look at it now you understand why it happened and most of you can tell me what you learned.

Example: When I was a little younger, I applied for a position with an organization that inspired me. I loved everything about it. The work content, the goals, the summers in Florida. It was my perfect job...well it seemed like it at the time. I rearranged my life for that job only to get turned down 2 interviews into the hiring process. I was crushed! and confused.

Looking back today, I understand why I wasn't meant to be there. I won't go in to detail because it's not necessary but let's just say I would have never been happy with that job and God had something bigger and better laid out for me.

I'm not preaching to you guys, I am mainly preaching to myself because I am in a confusing time in my life right now. I am constantly consumed with thinking about the next step. I want to know what's to come, where I'll end up, when my prince charming will sweep me off my feet? Those questions swirl through my head maybe 100 times a day and if that wasn't enough, they tend to sneak there way into my dreams.

So what is the ridiculous? Hmmm, well in my world the ridiculous would be waiting, seeking, listening and grasping because we all know how impatient, hot tempted and just flat out ridiculous we can all be!

So you and I need to remember that when God asks you to do the ridiculous(wait, be patient, quit griping) no matter how hard it seems, do it because something miraculous will shine through it!

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