Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Follow in his footsteps...

I love this picture of Kristen and I. What are we doing you ask? Well we are singing out little hearts out to 'Don't Stop Believin' by Journey. Gosh, I love moments with this girl. She has a heart of gold and always seems to know exactly what to say.

Kristen and I met 3 years ago at Caswell. She was a camper at the time and I was working my last summer as an intern. It was kind of random how we met but I knew that she was special. That day we formed a bond that has kept strong through just about anything you can think of.

What I have learned over these past few years is that Kristen and I are somewhat of the same person. We have gone through several similar experiences and our pasts are a little on the identical side. Funny things is, even with Kristen being 5 years younger than me, she teaches me more than I think I could ever teach her. She shows me daily what it means to truly seek after the Lord. She reminds me that life isn't always about perfection. It's about trying your best and loving every minute of it.

The thing I love about Kristen the most is that no matter what time of day or what mood I'm in, I can call her and she can make me smile! She has that gift. Thanks for being one of my best friends, a sister in Christ and for teaching me what it means to follow in the Lord's footsteps!

Love you girl. Thanks for being there amazing.

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