Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wanted: Friend-sitter

In need of a friend sitter this Thursday and Friday night for a 24-year old athletic trainer...Someone to entertain my friend while I'm out of town for the weekend!

Must love to pay for things like dinner, on-demand movies, concerts, occasional articles of clothing such as jeans from Buckle or sweat pants from Dick's Sporting Goods. Must have an incredible sense of humor and must be able to tolerate intense sarcasm. Needs to be willing to break out into some ghetto dance moves when "Apple Bottom Jeans" plays in the car or can at least attempt to dance(no dance history required but recommended).

If you are interested in helping out please feel free to contact me with your past friend sitting abilities and credentials. Easiest way to apply is to leave a comment! But hurry this opportunity will be snatched up quickly.

***This could potentially lead to more friend sitting jobs in the future***

2 awesome remarks:

Nikki said...

Pick Me! Pick me! Pick me! :) well not for thursday but I am def free for friday night friend sitting!

Britany said...

Hey Shannon! I am an awsome friend sitter!!! I am 16 so I will have enough energy to keep up with a 240year-old athletic trainer! I will not pay for all of the listed items but I can find an alternative... you could leave us your credit card!LOL! I am very sarcastic and I love to dance to "Apple Bottom Jeans" LOL! You can contact me at britlovesjesus.blogspot.com to let me know about the job.
Britany <3