Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Change the laugh


It all makes us feel better and it's contagious. We use it to express joy, sometimes it's associated with awkward moments and it can be one of those things that makes a room full of bitterness turn upside down. When I think about laughing I can remember all these times in my life where I've laughed so hard that tears appeared or times where I was completely upset but someone in the room laughed and I immediately had a giggle.

I feel like there are people that have distinct laughs. You know, where you can here it a room a say "That's Josh laugh" or "That laugh sounds so much like Megan's." Tonight at dinner we had a discussion on laughter. Brent, a friend from NC, brought up the fact that he wanted a different laugh... a distinct one that was memorable. He has been trying to change the way he laughs and I don't think that's possible. He thought about closing his eyes when he laughed or throwing his head back and chuckling. It made me think about the way I laugh. It was so funny watching the five of us, trying to laugh differently but ending up laughing hysterically at each other with the same laugh we were born with.

We tired laughing like Tigger...and that was pretty ridiculous. We threw in the Pillsbury Dough Boy laugh for kicks. We even tried the sophisticated laugh where you just laugh basically one time in a deep voice, "HA." (You definitely need to hear it to fully appreciate it:) Oh we also thought about picking a specific laugh and using it through an entire conversation. That was funny too.

It's amazing the fun you can have with laughing. Have you ever tired to change your laugh? And if so, does it make you laugh more trying to laugh differently, hahahaha??

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