Butterfly Sparks Designs

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dear Sabastian

Dear Sabastian (that's my Montero Sport),

The past six years have been amazing. We have made so many memories together - countless road trips to the beach, the mountains, distant cities, and back home again. You've been with me for every stop sign, traffic jam, constuction zone and pothole. We've had our run in with the cops (2 speeding tickets and a seatbelt ticket to which I still plead "innocent") as well. You've been the best ride I've had in years.

However, the past few months have left much to be desired. You haven't been as dependable as you usually are. You've never left me stranded on the side of the road, but you've come close a few times. You make funny noises - you just don't sound the same anymore. And, let's be honest, things that should go up - don't (your antenna). I know it's embaressing not only for me but for you as well.

To put it bluntly, and in the most kind way possible, I feel like our relationship is coming to an end and I'm looking for other options. I hope you don't feel like I'm neglecting you, but I promise you'll find someone else.

All the best,



3 awesome remarks:

Msha said...

so, i'm going thru the EXACT same thing right now and have also begun the process of looking for other options. if you ever feel overwhelmed, feel free to join my support group. i know it can be hard to say goodbye to old friends, even when you know it's inevitable. so feel free to call if it gets to be too much to handle :) :)

AUNY said...

That's funny! We need to get a new car, because we have 2 dodge trucks right now! Oh well, we've got to wait a little while longer to get the money.

p-stip said...

You my friend are priceless. I am sorry for Sabastian, but you are funny. Oh and you might want to pull the line, "its not you, its me." Just a thought