Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dinner time fun!

Fun things to do while waiting for dinner to arrive...tested by yours truly!

List all 50 states in under two minutes(it's harder than you think)

Challenge wars...challenge your dinner guests to crazy things. Example: "I bet you won't go ask the waiter for his number!"

Write DEATH on all the Splenda and Sweet-n-Low packets to remind the next table that sits down that these items are unhealthy! Drink water people!!!

Have a complete conversation about cheese. Saying the words Gouda and Gorgonzola will make anyone laugh.

Try to eat 6 Saltine crackers in two minutes without drinking anything...it can't be done, I promise, but it's hilarious to watch.

Spit balls are always a crowd favorite.

Oh and lastly, there's this coaster game where you flip it off the side of the table and catch it. It takes skill so next time you see me just ask and I'll show you:)

Do you have any creative things for waiting patiently for dinner?

1 awesome remarks:

Britany said...

Well, I usually drop forks, not just one, five, on the floor, get napkins stuck to the bottom of my shoe and after dessert when its time to leave I'm sure to hit my head on the doorknob while removing the trailing napkin from said shoe. LOL!

How do I know? I did all of this... In one night! I laughed so hard I cried and then I had a bruise the next day on my forehead!