Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Tater Tot Run...

I had this conversation last with my friend Daniel about tater tots after an adventure I had! You see I think that tater tots are one of the greatest creations made and I believe they are one of the most versatile foods you can eat. I mean think about it, you could tater tots for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack, Dessert....need I go on?

OK so Mallori and I set out on this journey last night to find the closest Sonic. You see, around 8:30 PM we got this craving for Sonic Drive In...Tater Tots and Dr Pepper Floats (unhealthy, yes I know). We looked up directions on Google because there isn't a Sonic near Buckhead. So with directions in hand, we set out to find our tasty destination. An hour later we ended up on the Southwest side of Atlanta. For those of you who are not familiar with Atlanta, Buckhead is on the North side of the city and we ended up all the way on the Southwest side...not good!

So to sum up the trip, we never found Sonic! We never got our tasty treats! And we were both left feeling sad and empty(literally). This has caused me to realize how much I love America's favorite drive and also leads me to wonder why Atlanta only has one or two?!!

Maybe I should invest in opening one in the Buckhead area!
Hummmm good idea...then there will be free tater tots for everyone=)

4 awesome remarks:

Anonymous said...

new layout = very exciting!
and it makes me very happy that we talk often! :)

love you!

weswages said...

i passed a couple on the way to chattonooooooooga... not to rub it in

check out my last post

Scott and Lyndsay Crews said...

Us in the office, a few months ago:

me: Shannon, give me your tots!

Shannon: No, go get your own!


kelli beth said...

i do love me some sonic...maybe we could be co-owners?!