Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Move In Day

I must say I have moved a lot but I think this weekend Kyle and Jonathan won the contest for the fastest move in time! They moved all my furniture in to the house in like 25 minutes flat. It was remarkable. I'll have pictures for you soon!

We had a great time getting settled on Saturday. Mama and Diddy took all of us out for lunch and then they cooked us spaghetti for dinner! First home cooked meal on the first day in the house. Now that's how it should be:) We made a Target trip and Kyle was persist on getting all the necessities, haha! It was a day full of laughs, jokes and just an all around good time!

It was such a fun day and I'm glad I'm finally here. Let the decorating begin!!!

**Thanks Mama and Diddy for everything! Thanks Kyle and Jonathan for your manly lifting skills! Thanks Kim and Mal for everything!

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