Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Encouraging words from Manwell!

In a world fixated on so many superficial ideologies, I find myself in a crossroad of my life. I think of the many people who've gone in the opposite direction of their dream for the sake of security, money or even fear. For certain people, they felt like there was no other choice. There are mouths to feed, bills to pay, other responsibilities that force you to live the life you never intended on living. Then there are those of you who have a dream deep in you just dying to be birthed. Both persons are capable of reaching their dream! One might have a harder road in front of them with more obstacles, but both have it in them to reach their destiny. Think about your dream....I'm talking about those thoughts that you don't wanna tell anyone cause you're afraid that they'll laugh at you and say you can't do it. That dream that scares you to death, but at the same time gives you the best feeling you've ever had in your life. I encourage everyone of you who reads this to dream wildly, uncontrolled, passionately! There's nothing like walking on the waters of your dreams. God can make it happen... just trust.

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