OK so I neglected to write yesterday about my amazing experience Wednesday night and because I left you guys hanging for a whole day, let me make it up to you...
Free Coffee and Coupons at Borders
Yep that's right...go have a cup of coffee on me(in a sense) haha!
Now, on to the experience. Wednesday night I got to go see Hillsong United in concert!! >that's a big deal so you can gasp if you want. I mean I did<
It was the most incredible experience to worship in an amphitheater with several hundred people. Hands were raised, people were jumping around, voices were lifted without concern for who was watching and God was there...He even put on a little light show for us :)
A storm blew through around the middle of the concert bringing bold flashes of lighting and intense vibrating thunder. Now, I'm not much for standing out in the middle of a storm since there's that whole 'getting struck by lighting thing' but this was different. I wasn't worried one bit because I was standing in the middle of beauty and I knew that God was watching over each of us. He just wanted us to see how amazing He was by showing off a little :)
If you have the opportunity to go see Hillsong United while they're in the states, DO IT! It's an experience you will never forget!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Hillsong UNITED
Posted by Shannon on Friday, May 29, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Thursday, May 28, 2009
God is our refuge and strength,
always ready to help in times of trouble.
So we will not fear when earthquakes come
and the mountains crumble into the sea.
Psalm 46:1-2 (New Living Translation)
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, May 28, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Until tomorrow...
Too tired to write tonight but tomorrow my friends, I will be writing a book on the moments from today & tonight!
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 1 awesome remarks
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sometimes God asks you to do the ridiculous so He can do the miraculous! He has a funny way of doing that, huh!
It amazes me the things that come up or the things that are placed in front of your face. I'm not talking about amazing opportunities or the relationship of your lifetime. I am referring to the things that we see as trials or headaches and heartaches. We get so frustrated at the ridiculous that we forget that God puts things in our lives to teach us, to prepare us and to humor us :)
Why am I saying all this? You know, I'm not really sure. It's just what's on my heart and the point that I am trying to make for myself is sometimes things don't work out, sometimes things can be tough and sometimes you may feel like you're the only that has ever dealt with the situation at hand. The truth, about 99% of the time, is God is teaching you something...plain and simple.
When was the last that you can of, when there was a situation that you swore you'd never get through only to look back today and know why it all happened. You can recall all the heartache, all the drama and all the words but when you look at it now you understand why it happened and most of you can tell me what you learned.
Example: When I was a little younger, I applied for a position with an organization that inspired me. I loved everything about it. The work content, the goals, the summers in Florida. It was my perfect job...well it seemed like it at the time. I rearranged my life for that job only to get turned down 2 interviews into the hiring process. I was crushed! and confused.
Looking back today, I understand why I wasn't meant to be there. I won't go in to detail because it's not necessary but let's just say I would have never been happy with that job and God had something bigger and better laid out for me.
I'm not preaching to you guys, I am mainly preaching to myself because I am in a confusing time in my life right now. I am constantly consumed with thinking about the next step. I want to know what's to come, where I'll end up, when my prince charming will sweep me off my feet? Those questions swirl through my head maybe 100 times a day and if that wasn't enough, they tend to sneak there way into my dreams.
So what is the ridiculous? Hmmm, well in my world the ridiculous would be waiting, seeking, listening and grasping because we all know how impatient, hot tempted and just flat out ridiculous we can all be!
So you and I need to remember that when God asks you to do the ridiculous(wait, be patient, quit griping) no matter how hard it seems, do it because something miraculous will shine through it!
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Monday, May 25, 2009
They call it intense!
How did you spend your Memorial Day?
For me, it was spent with some great friends doing two of my favorite things...softball and grilling out, in that order!
Think about gathering 25 of your favorite people and letting them loose in a park on a beautiful overcast day. What's the outcome? Well in my scenario it's kicking up dirt on your way to first base or jumping high to catch that pop fly to end the 4th inning. That's how today went.
I took no pictures because I was very much into the game, as any competitive girl would be, but if I had taken pictures, the memories I would have captured would have been...
* James David dancing with the fence as he attempted to catch an infield pop fly.
* Walker's face when he realized that I had payed softball before and batting came very natural to me.
* Katie catching a line drive to the face on the pitcher's mound to send the batter to bench.
* Dancing to NSYNC in the dugout even though we were down by 6. Who needs runs when you have five signing pop cuties.
* Ben Padgett running fastest than any person on that field, breezing to home plate like it was nothing.
* Kaitlin catching a fly ball with her eyes closed and then celebrating before realizing the batters were still running bases.
There were plenty more and I might even draw a picture so I will always have these memories documented.
The game was followed by a cookout under the carport since the cloud broke lose and produced a downpour. It was great to just sit around and socialize about life, about the amazing burgers Nathan and Coker cooked, about future plans and about our intense softball game! What a great way to spend Memorial Day...celebrating freedom to play ball and freedom to eat! Yummy:)
Posted by Shannon on Monday, May 25, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Celebrating one last time...
One more celebration to make the month of May the greatest birthday month ever! I am consistently reminded of how great my friends are! Cookout in the rain and Dave & Buster's till midnight. So much fun we had to extend to Sunday :)
Blowing out the candles!
Chris and Walker posing
Together we won over 6100 tickets. Did you know you know you can get an inflatable toilet with that many tickets?
Caught between two fabulous fellows.
I love these two ladies!
Dinner at Mary Macs with some fabulous NC friends.
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, May 24, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Friday, May 22, 2009
Not a fan
Ear infections(in both ears), sore throat, runny nose, headache and nothing on TV!
Today was not a good writing day:(
Not a big fan of being sick!
Posted by Shannon on Friday, May 22, 2009 1 awesome remarks
Thursday, May 21, 2009
If I were to plant a church...
... I would do it backwards.
I was at dinner the other night with two of my amazing friends and we were discussing what it would look like if we were to plant a church. My thought was it would be completely backwards! Not in a way that would take away from the teaching but in a way that would be different from the way that seems to be dying off today.
I would start by focusing on the youth. They are the leaders of tomorrow and I feel that the more you pour into them, the better. We have the opportunity to teach them how to spread God's word. A chance to invest in them all the things that we have learned and have effected our growth. Why wouldn't you want to start with them.
I would not discriminant against anyone!! They can come in with torn clothing, tattoos and piercings straight of the street as long they give me the opportunity to tell them about my Jesus! I will welcome them with open arms no matter their circumstance, their past or their choice. The point of a church is to love on people. Some churches need to remember that.
I think holding a church service twice a week would be pretty cool. Maybe a Monday night and Thursday. We could meet in a restaurant or coffee shop that is closed on those days, that way we're out in the community and the people that are scared of church buildings and sacred land wouldn't feel like they didn't fit in. I don't feel it's necessary to have some huge building with the latest technology in order to reach people for Christ. We need to be the church not go to church.
A few other little things I would do:
No dress code
Give Bibles to those who don't have one
Start community groups and go out into the community and do service
Challenge the church to witness whenever and wherever possible
I have so many ideas swirling around in my head!
What would your church look like if you were a church planter?
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, May 21, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
We never really know enough until we recognize that God
alone knows it all.
1 Corinthians 8:3 (The Message)
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, May 20, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Happy Birthday to me...
...and what a fantastic birthday it was!
My day was filled with smiles, laughter, a beautiful bouquet of roses, lots of texts & phone calls, a birthday song sung by my hunny bunny, brother & my 7 year old niece, about 75 Facebook comments, an assorted bunch of ballons, trick birthday candles, one fantastically made cheesecake, a gift from my amazing roommate, three amazing little kids with three adorable handmade gifts and one blessing from God to let me have another fabulous and memorable birthday!
Check it out:
I love Jen's face in this picture!
Megan made fantastic fun fetti cookies. She is so great
My Mommy and Daddy set me the most beautiful flowers
The two birthday girls
And their trick candles, haha
Kenyon, Selah and Issac helping me blow out my candles.
They are such little blessings in my life!
What an unforgettable birthday! Thanks for all the wishes and surprises.
Love you all!
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 1 awesome remarks
Monday, May 18, 2009
I do believe; help my unbelief! Mark 9:24
What would you say about a workout that only took four minutes a day and produced great results? Would you say, “Amazing! Awesome! Wow!”? I wouldn’t say that. I would say, “Baloney!” Yet, the ROM workout contraption (as advertised in all airline magazines) claims to do just that. You can buy one and see for yourself . for only $14,615.00.
In my opinion, there is no short cut to getting in good physical shape. You have to work at it. both in diet and exercise. While the extra weight goes on easily, it does not come off the same way. It takes discipline, determination and follow-through to join the ranks of the physically fit.
Just as it is with the physical, so it is with the spiritual. They are no short cuts to spiritual growth and building strong faith. As much as we would like to go from a spiritual baby to a mighty man/woman of faith, we cannot get there in one weekend retreat, or one sermon series, or one Beth Moore Bible study. It takes consistency, discipline and time with the Lord to build spiritual muscle and maturity.
The good news is this: if you will put forth the effort to seek the Lord, you will find Him. God promises, “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13). If you will come to His gym (prayer, Bible study, worship, church, and discipleship group) day after day with your weak faith, He will transform it over time to strong faith. He wants you to grow. He is for you, not against you. He is looking for those who will get serious about being a true warrior for Christ and a person of God. Are you willing? Are you serious?
Let me encourage you to ask the Lord to increase your faith. To stretch you and grow you like never before. It may hurt (just like lifting weights can hurt), but it is well worth it. It may seem impossible (just like doing the stair master for 15 minutes on level 10 can seem impossible), but it will bring great results as you remain faithful and committed.
Posted by Shannon on Monday, May 18, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Sunday, May 17, 2009
It's a matter...
It's a matter of hope! Something that you pray for but never really expect it to happen. It's the way you feel when the right thing is said or the very touch leaves goosebumps up and down your arms.
It's a matter of belief! One that gives you the sense that one day things will change and the circumstances will be different. One day eyes will be opened and instead looking at it from a unfocused lens, you look at clearly and perfectly just the way God intended.
It's a matter of chance! When you mind changes from the pessimistic view you've always had to an optimistic view that God has always had. Leaving your heart ready and excited.
It's a matter of prayer! Giving it to God and believing that He will put your best interest at heart. He will guide the situation to where it should be and where He had always planned for it to be.
It's a matter of trust! Trusting that what will happen is in your best interest and not getting upset if it doesn't go the way you planned.
Now all I have to do, is follow these! Whew, tough but necessary!
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, May 17, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Growth means change and change means risk, stepping from the known to the unknown! It's all about leaping out on faith and listening to the words from our Father. In order to grow sometimes you have to let go, dive in and embrace the unknown. Who knows, it could be the greatest thing ever:)
That's a hard concept but one that I am working on.
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, May 16, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Friday, May 15, 2009
On the way home...
Last Day: Day in Orlando
Posted by Shannon on Friday, May 15, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Thursday, May 14, 2009
All of Day Three: At Sea
Being on a cruise can be a awesome experience especially when you take the time to enjoy all the little things like walks around the boat with great people. Going to the top of boat so you can lay under the stars. Running in to new friends on your way to the soft serve ice cream that's free till 3 am...that's a major plus.
Our day at sea was all these things plus more. You can't really capture walks on the boat or conversations had on film but you will always remember each word and each shooting star.
Here are a few photos that we did capture on day three:
Lindsey decided she was going to take a little trip into the guys bathroom, unintentionally haha.
An acoustic set with Jars of Clay. I love them!
The crowd fill the entire atrium area and extended to all 4 floors.
View from our dinner table. Perfect!
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, May 14, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Speeding up the process...
I realized today that if I post pictures day by day and night by night it will take me forever to show you my trip and honestly I have lots to say this week. With that said, we're going to speed up the process :)
Day Two and Night Two:
This is the fabulous diner where we ate lunch.
Walking through the straw market...so many bag, so little time.
Atlantis! Beautiful.
We went to the aquarium and saw this stringray. Biggest one I've ever seen.
The night ended with Brock opening up for Toby Mac!
He did my favorite illusions!
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, May 13, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Formal Dinner for Formal people
Night One: Formal Dinner
Pictures of pictures is a good concept!
Don't we look pretty?
All dressed up and everywhere to go
We had a visitor when we got back to our room
I will call him squishy and he will be my squishy, haha
Lindsey wanted to be like him!
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, May 12, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Monday, May 11, 2009
Coco Cay, Bahamas
If it's pictures you want... then it's pictures you'll get!
Day One: Coco Cay, Bahamas
Here's our boat... The Monarch of the Seas
And here is the view :) Gorgeous
A took a little nap in this fabulous hammock!
Brandon, Brock & Drew headed to snorkel
Walking to our private island!
We found a starfish...
Isn't it beautiful?
Of course these are only a few of the hundred or so pictures took! Visit facebook for the rest of Day One. Tomorrow I will tell you about Night One :)
Posted by Shannon on Monday, May 11, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A huge paintbrush
I am home. I am sunburned. I am relaxed. I am excited. But I am sad...because it's over!
I am not sad in a 'dang it, I'm home and I have to get back to reality' kind of way. I am sad in a 'I already miss the wonderful people I got to meet, hang out with and invest in this week' kind of way.
I would describe the cruise as 'church camp on crack' for adults, kids and musicians. It was awesome to walk around the boat and watch the kids excited and the adults intrigued. I have never seen so many adults sitting around a pool watching Pillar in my life. That was a sight standing at the back of stage area...salt and pepper hair everywhere jamming out to some rock N rock/hard core Christian music!
All of the concerts were amazing and I could probably write a paragraph or two about each one, but what I want each of you to grasp about the experience that took place is the love that these musicians showed to their fans this week. When you go to a concert, you maybe see the artist off stage for a few minutes and then they're gone, back on the bus and off to their next destination. What I saw this week were artists truly enjoying being around their fans 24-7! Seeing things like David Crowder eating lunch with a family of four. Watching the guys from Pillar investing time in the cruise staff by praying for them in the halls, encouraging their waiter in the dining room or laughing by the pool with several kids. Observing Mark and Will from Audio A splashing around in the pool with kids proving that they are just big kids themselves. And these were just a few moments and every single sight was inspiring!
I could go on and on about the things I saw, describing every little detail as clearly as possible but it would never be enough to paint the picture of the past 5 days! God was on that boat and He was working some magic through all those artists and performers. His hand was holding a huge paintbrush and each day He would begin painting, starting with an incredible sunrise followed by a beautiful blue sky, an ocean of turquoise water and a boat full lives being changed!
I will be posting pictures tomorrow so that you can see just how beautiful God's painting was:)
Glad to home!
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, May 10, 2009 1 awesome remarks
Saturday, May 09, 2009
"A cheerful friend is like a sunny day spreading brightness all around."
- John Lubcock
"A friend is one who strengthens you with prayers, blesses you with love and encourages you with hope."
"A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure."span>
Hope you enjoyed getting to meet and read a little about the fabulous ladies in my life.
I'll be back tomorrow with fun stories from my trip!
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, May 09, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Friday, May 08, 2009
Encoragement and Wisdom
Downey Washburn Hinton! Yes like the fabric softener...she gets that all the time!
This woman is one of my favorite people in the world. She has the sweetest spirit and she encourages me even when I'm being ridiculous. She encourages everyone!!!
I met Downey in the summer of 2006. We were interns together at Caswell. It was a very emotional summer for me and if it wasn't for Downey, I wouldn't have made it through. We had countless late night conversations, walks around camp and lunches where she taught what it meant to let go and trust in God. Her encouragement and wisdom helped me to overcome fears and struggles that summer.
We moved in together after camp and she continued to encourage me in everything from listening to God on where He wanted me to learning to play the guitar...and never letting me give up. I remember practicing the guitar and being so frustrated because I just couldn't quite get it. One night I came out of my room after playing and getting aggravated with myself cause I couldn't play the way I wanted to and Downey saying, "You're getting so good at playing." I laughed it off and then she told me that every time I played she prayed that I wouldn't give up. How cool is that?! That definitely encouraged me that she believed in me!
I love this girl for so many reasons and I thank God every day for putting her in my life!
Oh and Downey also has a new addition to her family. Luke Russell!!!
I haven't met him yet but I already love him dearly!
Posted by Shannon on Friday, May 08, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Choose wisely
Here she is...Janis, my best friend! The one who has taught me all about growing up and choosing your friends wisely. The person who helped me make through college and showed me how to have fun even in awkward circumstances.
Janis and I met at Chili's, my college career, haha! We worked there together for about 5 years and we shared quite a few fajitas and Molten Chocolate Cakes. After a very emotional and hard experience Janis moved in with me. We had this amazing little house on the corner of 1st and Rotary...101 baby! It will always be my favorite. We lived through a few break ins, a few pipes bursting, an awful gurgling sink, bright apple green walls and the best moments ever.
What I love about Janis is her strength. She has been through a lot over the years and because of her strength she always gets through anything with flying colors. I hope that I am as strong as she is one day...basically I want to be just like her when I grow up, haha!
Oh and did I mention she has the most handsome son ever? Well it's true! He is adorable and quite the charmer...just like his daddy :) I mean seriously, does he not melt your heart!!!
Love you Janis!
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, May 07, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Follow in his footsteps...
I love this picture of Kristen and I. What are we doing you ask? Well we are singing out little hearts out to 'Don't Stop Believin' by Journey. Gosh, I love moments with this girl. She has a heart of gold and always seems to know exactly what to say.
Kristen and I met 3 years ago at Caswell. She was a camper at the time and I was working my last summer as an intern. It was kind of random how we met but I knew that she was special. That day we formed a bond that has kept strong through just about anything you can think of.
What I have learned over these past few years is that Kristen and I are somewhat of the same person. We have gone through several similar experiences and our pasts are a little on the identical side. Funny things is, even with Kristen being 5 years younger than me, she teaches me more than I think I could ever teach her. She shows me daily what it means to truly seek after the Lord. She reminds me that life isn't always about perfection. It's about trying your best and loving every minute of it.
The thing I love about Kristen the most is that no matter what time of day or what mood I'm in, I can call her and she can make me smile! She has that gift. Thanks for being one of my best friends, a sister in Christ and for teaching me what it means to follow in the Lord's footsteps!
Love you girl. Thanks for being there amazing.
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, May 06, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Servant style!
If you want to know what it means to be a servant, hang out with Emily for a day! This amazing woman serves like no other. She will help you out at the drop of a hat and will stop and pray with you no matter where you are.
Emily was my roommate in Nashville...one of three. We shared a room, semi dorm style, and because of that we learned a lot from each other. Living in such close quarters gave me the opportunity to hear countless stories and to witness Emily pouring her heart out to those who needed it. I remember watching her counsel a friend of ours and listening to the prayer that she said. It was so honest and so sincere and you could tell that her heart really broke for this person. It's amazing how much love that girl has and how much she is willing to share it.
I've watched Emily on a few tours and events where her spirit captures the room. She loves people and being on the road, people are who you see :) I am proud to be one of Emily's friends. I have learned so much from her and I am hoping that I can love on people as much as she does one day!
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, May 05, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Monday, May 04, 2009
Laughing through it all...
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Jennnnnnnnnn! Happy Birthday to you!...that was sung in perfect pitch with lots of enthusiasm.
This is my roommate, best friend, comic relief, karate extraordinaire and over teacher of fun. Jen and I have been friends since the summer of 2003. We've been through a lot together...football games in 20 degree weather, getting trucks stuck in sand, breaking our tail bones during a snowboarding weekend in Boone, Sex & the City nights in Chapel Hill, oh and the big one, dating brothers. You definitely get close when you bond over break ups, haha!
Jen has taught me a lot over the years but the main thing I've learned is laughing makes everything better! Jen can turn any situation into fun. She can add the laughter into a crowd of uptight, aggravated businessmen in the middle of tax season...that takes skill. She adds the flavor to my life and is the cheese to my macaroni, haha!!
Jen you are the greatest! I would never in this big city without you!
Happy Birthday. May God bless your special day beyond measure!
Posted by Shannon on Monday, May 04, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Sunday, May 03, 2009
The Best Little Blessings
Introducing ... my best friends and the people who have taught me so much over the years!
This week while I am on my cruise I am leaving you, my readers with five women who have blessed my life! Enjoy this series and get to know the people I love and who inspire me in so many ways!
It begins tomorrow so grab some popcorn and your reading glasses as we dive into 'The Best Little Blessings!'
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, May 03, 2009 1 awesome remarks
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Lists, packing and a little bowling relief
Today has been a little stressful...too much to do and not enough time to fit it all in before I leave tomorrow! My to-do list keeps growing and I may need to extend it to another page in order to capture it all. Sheesh, who knew it would take so much work to get ready to go crusin!
Things on the list:
* Check in at www.royalcaribbean.com.
* Make spare for Emily...very important.
* Send Kyla and Emily directions.
* Practice song for the morning...I haven't even listened to it yet:(
* PACK...that's a big one people.
* Get a pedicure. Yep it's a must since I'll be wearing sandals all week.
* Fill out Upstreet paperwork...wait I already did that. Check that one off the list :)
The list goes on from laundry to cleaning. AHHHHHH my head is spinning!
OK, pause! deep breath...and let it out! OK we're good.
Now I did take a little break from the list tonight! It was much needed.
What did I do?
Well...Pappasito's and bowling is the answer to that question.
Here's some moments from the night:
David and I! I have missed him.
Jen in her booty stance for bowling a strike. Works every time!
Chris surprised at something.
Me and the birthday girl!
And of course there was dancing!
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, May 02, 2009 0 awesome remarks