Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Deep Whispers

It's amazing how the Lord will speak to you! For some people they hear God through a voice, for others it's a feeling or through a song, etc. God speaks through everything around us, we just have to be willing to stop and listen. To look for the awesomeness that is around us (as Daniel would say)!

I've had a hard time lately knowing when something is of the Lord. I battle between thinking if it's me that wants things to happen or if it's God. I catch myself analyzing every little detail and reviewing it over and over in my mind. Things that seem so perfect in my head aren't always the "perfect" plan of God. It's a hard line but one thing that I am learning is that God will never steer you in the wrong direction. He may take you into uncomfortable situations but He has a purpose for every moment of your life and He will make His voice heard even if it's a whisper. So listen closely, follow intently and bask in the grace of our Father!

Dear God,

Help me to listen for your voice and your direction in my life! Teach me and show the path that will glorify you and only you. I thirst for your living water and my prayer is that my life will reflect your love.

I love you.


1 awesome remarks:

Britany said...

God will never tempt you with something He knows you can't handle and for everything you go through there are two choices... it is up to you to decide which one is the right one.