Butterfly Sparks Designs

Saturday, April 05, 2008


"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God trust also in me” John 14:1

What is love? Common question we all have and ponder from day to day. What is love? What does real true genuine love look like? The crucifixion is one of the greatest displays of affection and love that this world has ever witnessed. For God gave his one and only begotten son to die for our sins. WOW! Not only did God love us SO much to send his only son to save us, but Jesus also loved us SO much to take on that burden and suffer in a way that we will never be able to comprehend or understand to its fullest! God’s love is perfect, unfailing, genuine, real and never changing!

In this life, in this world, in our story we have all experienced at some point in our lives betrayal. Love betrayal. Either from parents, family, friends, relationships with people that we thought loved us. We have all experienced this heart wrenching pain that comes with that betrayal. It literally, or at least for me, hurt my heart. That deep aching feeling you get when you think about how maybe you “failed” in that relationship. What could I have done better? What should I have done? And WHY? Why did they do this? Why did they hurt me? Why was it not enough? We have all experienced this hurt at some point in our lives. We lose our trust, we lose our faith, we lose are ability to allow ourselves to think or experience that love again in any which form. We begin to shut down, we begin to loose the amazing things about love. We start to CONTROL! We want predictability and "rules" or a controlled environment because that will make sure that we don't get hurt again.

We start beginning to want to control that past relationship even after it has been done, we continue to and start to control anything else any other sort of relationship that comes our way. Instead of asking all those “why?” questions.. we must try to do as Jesus did as he was making his way to the cross and say “Forgive them, for they know not what they do..” I think that is one thing that is hard for us to do. When hurting, we tend to be the most selfish, we think about why me… and in the midst of it all.. begin to say “I will not allow myself to be hurt again. You will not hurt me again”. We abandon all trust in God and trust in others for simply control.

You can not control love, the more you try to, the more frustrating and annoyed you will become. You will begin to find that you are fighting with yourself, that you are fighting with what YOU think is right.. what YOU think is supposed to be.. what YOU think is the right way… when in all reality.. if you would just let it go and let God … you will find release, peace, relief and happiness and joy. It is both with relationships here in this life, as well as with your relationship with God.

Trust is Love. To trust is to love. We want to control love (with God or with life relationships) because of our past, our past experiences. When you love, you trust…take a second to think about it… when you have a genuine love for someone or feel that genuine love from someone.. you trust them. There isn’t anything you wouldn’t tell them or give them or share. You long to spend time with that person, you long for the next reconnection, you long for those unexpected moments. That is how love works. Have you ever had that moment where God just unexpectedly did something in your life that amazed you?! Love is unexpected. God does things, surprises us all the time… it’s a trait of love. Here is a "commercial" type example.. when there is to be an engagement..typically there is a surprise moment, a moment of unexpected when the man surprises the woman in asking her hand in marriage. She doesn't expect it, it is a surprise! And is that not the moment that everyone longs for? the moment that is a key display of love? Most people love some sort of set rules.. if I do this, than I should receive this, if this person did this, than this other person is going to be the same way, and if they aren’t… there has to be something up with that? If I do this, than God will react this way… etc etc… but guess what.. love has no rules.

Trust is Love.. and Love is trust… the more we Love God.. the more we trust God… He is the author of our story.. He is behind and beyond everything in our life! LET HIM! Do you believe there is an author? Do you believe he is good? If so, than allow him.. allow him to Love on you with that genuine perfect and absolute love and affection for you! Let him lead you and guide you to that love relationship here… you cant control love, the more you do? The more frustrated you will be come and start creating things that are not there… the saying “you can’t help who you love” I think is absolutely true! You can’t… it is uncontrolled and full of unexpected surprises, events, feelings.

Anyway.. so as we remember the loving sacrifice… remember trust God.. love God.. let him love you and don’t control that love… allow yourself to experience genuine love from God and from people! Let God put those people in your life to love on you, for he may be using them to love on you as He does! It wont be perfect because the only perfect love is from God, but he could be trying to show you as perfect of a love for you as humanly possible on earth.

Open your eyes and open your heart to what God has for you and sit back and watch His work, for He IS the great author! Let Go and Let God.

be loved, show love, give love, let love, and accept love.

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