Butterfly Sparks Designs

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Because it's not time yet...

Here are the questions I have repeatedly asked myself today...

What if?
Is it worth it?
How long do I have to wait?
Was that expressed differently than last time?
Should I forget it?
...did I mention why?

Haha...here are the answer I've come up with...

Because it's not time yet!
It would be amazing if it was to come about!
Of course, it is totally worth the wait!
The waiting process helps growth and understanding so I'll wait as long as I have to!
Because it's not time yet!
No, it was expressed the same and I should stop the analyzing!
Nope, you shouldn't forget it because giving up would be mean missing out on so much!
Because it's not time yet!

...Basically it's not time yet, haha!

Ahhh the joys of waiting!

1 awesome remarks:

Anonymous said...

"How long Lord must I wait?"
"Nevermind child, Trust me."
- Passion & Purity
by Elizabeth Elliot

encouragment for me being passed to an encourager herself. miss you and love you lots! let's talk sooo very soon