Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Welcome to Georgia

Today I did something I said I would never do...

I became a Georgian.

There it is...my new license! I will admit I am fond of the photo, ha! I did smudge the info since there are some crazy people in this world apparently.

Anyway, I know it sounds dumb to make such a big deal over it but I just never thought I would move out of North Carolina and actually stay. Getting a license to me says permanent. >insert Gasp here<

As I was leaving the DMV, the clerk said "Welcome to Georgia!" in a very excited voice. I seriously almost had a panic attack.

Now, I know what you're thinking...'Shannon, why did you do this?'and I wish I had an amazingly clever answer for you. Sadly, all I have to say for myself is 'I hope I really love this state because I just made a HUGE dedication to it!!

4 awesome remarks:

kelli beth said...

that was very brave! i am so proud of you!

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad you're here! :)

Anonymous said...

Don't really know who you are, but I was browsing a friends blog and came across yours. I felt it a obligation to warn you about putting your drivers license on here with all your personal info. Anyone can see your blog and there are a lot of shady people out there. Just a thought.....

Anonymous said...

ahhhh it means you're permanently in another state without me...sadness BUT I know you bring something beautiful to Georgia :) Love you!