Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sharing isn't easy

I think I have a hard time sharing!

No really, I'm being serious!

Sharing my clothes
Sharing my projects
Sharing my friends
Sharing my chocolate
Sharing the guys I date...I definitely have a hard time with this one, but hey you're not suppose to share guys right? Well you would think so but apparently it happens...Believe me!

I have a hard time with all of those.

But the main one right now is sharing my friends! You know, the whole friend groups combining and hanging out without you. I'm not mad about it, I just get a little >insert good word for jealous here<.

Lately, I have been extremely busy(on purpose and totally my fault) and I haven't had a lot of time to just hang out with people. I feel like I'm missing out on the fun but mostly I'm missing out on building those relationships.

I wonder if I am being selfish in feeling this way or I wonder if it's normal. Surely I'm not the only one!

Does anyone else ever feel like this?

2 awesome remarks:

Msha said...

I definitely know what you're feeling - and it feels horrible. It's definitely not good, but it IS normal. Hang in there - it'll get better.

Britany said...

I hate it when I feel like that!
I just wanted to let u know i have a new blog address.