Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What lovely surprises...

So I woke up on the tired side of the bed this morning...Not enough sleep will definitely leave you angry at the alarm clock, haha. But after the mini fight with the covers and a little pep talk with myself, I was up and out the door before I knew it.

It was a normal drive to work...a little worship music to get the mind going, a few thoughts and reflections and of course lots of sun in my eyes. Now there was a cop on the side of the road this morning which is a little out of the ordinary but necessary because he stopped my speed racer self from reaching 80 mph on 400 which is a huge NO NO! Thank goodness for the fear of cops!

So I arrived at work safe, thanks to Mr. Copper man, and walked in to a lovely surprise...

Did you know it was Administrative Assistant Day? Me either :)

What lovely surprises waiting for me on my desk thanks to the two greatest bosses ever. I felt so appreciated! It's always good to know that your hard work is making a difference and for me it's extra great to know that my work helps further the Kingdom!

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