Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, April 02, 2009

The Big -N- Nasty

I can't believe my eyes!

Did that really just happen?

The greatest game in bowling history...I think it did!

David is up to bowl, last among the other 7 bowlers and looking to take control of the game. How you ask? Simple...By taking a bite of the Big -N- Nasty and then hitting straight strikes for the rest of his game. I mean he went from like a score of 80 to a whopping 500(that might be an exaggeration but let's go with it shall we!). We shall call it the greatest game in bowling history :)

Now, I know what your next question is, "What in the world is this Big -N- Nasty that you speak of?" Well it is a mound of tater tots and chips topped with cheese, chili, jalapenos and love! It's a feast for anyone with desires of a heart attack or an all night pass to visit the porcelain throne. >HahAHaha I just said porcelain throne! You have to admit that's funny right there<

The Big -N- Nasty totally turned the game around not just for David but for everyone! It was strike heaven all around. There were turkeys and peacocks all over the place(not the birds but the strike names). Peacock is new term for six straight strikes...no arguments from the peanut gallery...that's the name!

It was an amazing night! Great bowling, new friends, deliciously disgusting food and a little bit of cuteness!

Next time there will be dancing!

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