Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

If it ain't broke...

BLOG by Jen

Today my coworkers and I were in the mood for some high-society dining, so we decided to hit up the food court at the mall for lunch. We walked into the mall and found that the escalator was broken. There was an "out of order" sign posted along the barricades in front of the escalator and a cute little sign that pointed us to the stairs on the other side of the mall that we could use in lieu of the broken escalator. Though I appreciate the mall administrators for providing an alternate route, my question is simply: Can an escalator ever really be broken? I mean, they're still stairs. Why did I have to use the stairs on the other side of the mall when I could have used the stairs so conveniently provided by the brokenness of the escalator? Take home point: We should be more like escalators. They always live up to their potential even when broken.

I have posted a link that illustrates the absurdness of this situation. Enjoy.
Escalator Temporarily Stairs

2 awesome remarks:

Msha said...

That is my favorite Mitch Hedberg joke! "escalator temporarily stairs...sorry for the convenience" :)

Jeremy and Laura McBryar said...

They are perfect stairs- why did they make you walk all the way around. That's ridiculous! However, I am really afraid to walk on them as stairs b/c I'm afraid they will start working when I'm on them and then I'd fall! :)