Butterfly Sparks Designs

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Go and help the others

I never thought I would step foot on to the concrete and see the things I saw today. Hearing about flood waters rising and homes being destroyed on the news never really prepares you for actually walking in to a neighbor that was smack in middle of all the chaos.

Piles of sheet rocked lined the streets. Couches and chairs flipped upside down, ruined sitting on the curbs. The smell of mildew mixed with mud and bleach filled the air. Grass and trees covered in mud from where the waters rose and settled feet above normal. Baby toys and bikes laying in the brush from where the water swept them away from their standing positions under porches and decks. It was heartbreaking and overwhelming! When I stepped out of the car, I stepped into the reality that what the news called "just a flood" was way more than that! It was a life changing event that left some broken hearts and broken pieces that may take a while to repair.

After staring for what felt like 3 hours at the cul de sac which held about 8 homes, I headed down towards the destruction with a group to get started. We went to the house at the end of the street first, which had the most destruction. The water not only flooded the basement, it flooded the first floor. The owner of this home was Ms. Monica and she is one lady I will never forget. Her home needed the most work because of how high the floor crept in. It could have used a many hands as possible gutting out walls and bleaching wood but when we approached her to ask how we could help, her response captured my heart. She handed us two bottles of bleach, gloves and 5 squirt bottles and told us " take these and go help in the homes of Ms Sharon and the Johnson's." I looked at her and thought 'this lady knows what it means to show Jesus.' In the midst of destruction and her home broken, she gave to others before thinking of herself. It was incredible! It was a blessing and it was one conversation I will never forget!

So, just as Ms Monica told us, we went out and we helped the others. We bleached Ms. Sharon's basement and helped her sort through pictures and memorabilia, trying to salvage all we could of her memories! We helped move furniture in Jamie and Shannon's house along with packing boxes full of things that the flood didn't claim. We moved trash bags, we swept floors and we basically did whatever we could to help! It was a Saturday that will be etched in my mind forever!

Please pray for these families. Pray for the work that still needs to be done, for the volunteers they still need to put things back together. Pray for the money to come to rebuild and pray for healing after the storm.

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