Wow! I can't keep up with days or moments at this time in my life. It's like every second is taking by something or someone and I apologize for not keeping you all informed of all the things God is blessings me with. I promise I will do a better job!
Today I would like to introduce you all to my friend Michelle!
That's her on the left...but don't be alarmed, we are not trying to keep from getting the plague or the swine flu in this picture. We're actually helping clean up some homes from the destruction caused by the Georgia flood. **If you've been keeping up, you've seen the pictures from our relief efforts.**
The reason I want all of you to meet Michelle is because she has been a big part of my life for the past 5 months. God allowed our paths to cross one night after church and we've been learning and teaching each other ever since. It's pretty awesome. We have similar stories but different at the same time and one of my favorite things to do is sit and talk with her about life, about goals, about guys and the best topic, about God. She has a strong faith, one that I hope is rubbing off on me daily. I watch her give her time and her money to help others. I see her investing in people even when she's tired and broken. I observe her as she interacts with new people and it's awesome to watch her hold out her hand and welcome any and everyone into her friendship circle.
She's got it! She's showing Christ's love in so many ways. Through her kindness. Through her willingness, Through her smiles. Through her encouragement. Plain and simple...Through her!
Thanks being an awesome friend Michelle. Praying that we continue to walk this path of friendship for a while :)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Meet Michelle
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 2 awesome remarks
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Be alert
Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.
~ Colossians 4:2
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, September 27, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Go and help the others
I never thought I would step foot on to the concrete and see the things I saw today. Hearing about flood waters rising and homes being destroyed on the news never really prepares you for actually walking in to a neighbor that was smack in middle of all the chaos.
Piles of sheet rocked lined the streets. Couches and chairs flipped upside down, ruined sitting on the curbs. The smell of mildew mixed with mud and bleach filled the air. Grass and trees covered in mud from where the waters rose and settled feet above normal. Baby toys and bikes laying in the brush from where the water swept them away from their standing positions under porches and decks. It was heartbreaking and overwhelming! When I stepped out of the car, I stepped into the reality that what the news called "just a flood" was way more than that! It was a life changing event that left some broken hearts and broken pieces that may take a while to repair.
After staring for what felt like 3 hours at the cul de sac which held about 8 homes, I headed down towards the destruction with a group to get started. We went to the house at the end of the street first, which had the most destruction. The water not only flooded the basement, it flooded the first floor. The owner of this home was Ms. Monica and she is one lady I will never forget. Her home needed the most work because of how high the floor crept in. It could have used a many hands as possible gutting out walls and bleaching wood but when we approached her to ask how we could help, her response captured my heart. She handed us two bottles of bleach, gloves and 5 squirt bottles and told us " take these and go help in the homes of Ms Sharon and the Johnson's." I looked at her and thought 'this lady knows what it means to show Jesus.' In the midst of destruction and her home broken, she gave to others before thinking of herself. It was incredible! It was a blessing and it was one conversation I will never forget!
So, just as Ms Monica told us, we went out and we helped the others. We bleached Ms. Sharon's basement and helped her sort through pictures and memorabilia, trying to salvage all we could of her memories! We helped move furniture in Jamie and Shannon's house along with packing boxes full of things that the flood didn't claim. We moved trash bags, we swept floors and we basically did whatever we could to help! It was a Saturday that will be etched in my mind forever!
Please pray for these families. Pray for the work that still needs to be done, for the volunteers they still need to put things back together. Pray for the money to come to rebuild and pray for healing after the storm.
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, September 26, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Thursday, September 24, 2009
It's the little things!
It always has been the little things that make me smile! And this week was full of them. Let's look back and smile together...
Craft time with Jen! What is that you ask? Well that's a paper chain for the days Jen has left before she gets to see her boyfriend, Anthony! There's 16 links here and it's so cute to watch her tear them off with a big smile on her face.
My puppy always makes me smile. Her and her HUGE ears!
Baby pumpkins means it's almost time for Halloween.
And my biggest smile this week came from receiving these! Are they not the most gorgeous flowers you've ever seen. They may be an exaggeration to some but in my eyes, they are because they came from someone very special!
What a great week! Full of smiles because of the little things :)
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, September 24, 2009 1 awesome remarks
Only 10 minutes and slightly caddy cornered
I came in tonight after an awesome time hanging out in Vinings with my good friend Michelle! Walking in my apartment, I turned and locked my door(both locks), gave my puppy kiss and pat on the head and proceeded to the living room where I sat down in the green chair that sits just to the left, slightly caddy cornered, exactly where Walker and Jen positioned it several months ago. The TV was on, like it always is and as I myself... I began to think back. Several memories ran through my head and even though I only sat in that chair for less than 10 minutes, I was reminded of years...great years!
I do this a lot! I sit and I think...about old times, how things used to be and what things are like now. I smile a lot when I think back because my memories are filled with the people I love and places I long to be. I start to remember smells and sweets tastes along with hearing crickets and some of greatest laughter, you know...people just enjoying life. Moments where the sand was beneath my feet or the dark star-filled sky was over my head. Remembering the feeling of my dad tucking me in at night or my Mom hugging me with encouragement. The joy I felt the day I first held Summer or amazement I felt when I first stepped foot on Caswell.
It's amazing what 10 minutes can reveal. I can only imagine what I would think about if I had several hours to sit in that green chair, slightly caddy cornered but perfect in my eyes!:)
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, September 24, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Monday, September 21, 2009
Open the Flood Gates
Let it Rain...Let it Rain...Won't you open the flood gates of Heaven!
~ Pocket Full of Rocks
That's what's happening outside my window, down the street, across town and all over metro Atlanta! The flood gates have opened, the rain is pouring down and I'm thinking, it's not gonna stop. I got this same feeling in 1999 when Hurricane Floyd hit North Carolina and the floods just kept taking over. It rained, the rivers rose and the roads washed out, collapsed and caused several accidents and fatalities. Homes were destroyed, business were ruined and people were left with the memory of what used to be their lives. I remember trying to drive to a friends and every road I turned down was completely covered in inches upon inches of water!
Pictures keep coming across my computer screen and I fear for this city as the rain keeps coming down and water keeps rising. Please, please be in prayer for this city, for the people who have already lost and for the people right now who are watching their homes, belongings and possessions wash away.
Posted by Shannon on Monday, September 21, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Friday, September 18, 2009
I know life is full of them but sometimes it really sucks! Especially when I feel like some changes don't have to take place. What am I referring to... Friendships! That may be immature on my part to think that way, but throughout my life the one thing that I have never made too many changes with are my friendships. My friend list has definitely grown since I was old enough to realize what a friend was, so that's a change, but I try really hard not to lose anyone when life tries to throw you curve balls. Is it difficult..YES! Do I always succeed...NO! My point is I try, I mend and do what it takes! I feel as if friendships are to stay strong not matter what, especially if they matter! There should be no distance, no situation and no additions that should change that.
Is that immature or unrealistic? Not my eyes but maybe it is to the rest of the world...and that's sad!
Posted by Shannon on Friday, September 18, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
~ Ephesians 2:10
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Let's Build A Playground Together
It amazes me the people I have in my life! I watch them day after day, seeking after Christ, learning from their surroundings and giving with everything they have. It's amazing the things they are teaching me!
It's a group that can get together in the midst of boredom and find fun. It's group that can bring laughter and joy to teenagers half way across the states in the midst of terrible circumstances and horrible economy. It's a group that wants to absorb their city and finds ways to make it better. It's a group that will give up a Saturday just so kids will have somewhere to play! It's a group centered around love and I am so blessed to be a part of it!
This past Saturday, fifteen of these amazing people got together at 8:30 AM with their work attire on and their minds focused on the task at hand...building a playground! And boy did they build a playground...
Despite extremely hard ground and very hard manual labor, this group managed to do something amazing! Did I mentioned they stayed till 6 PM? Dedicated!!!
My friend Michelle said, "It was an exhausting day as we took turns digging the 15 (very large, very deep) holes, hauling away the dirt, pouring concrete and eventually assembling the giant swing set. (And actually there were no swings on said swing set... but that's not my point.) We walked away with blisters, aching muscles, dirty clothes... and the knowledge that we had truly made a difference in the world, at least in the eyes of a few hundred kids."
Well said!
I am so proud of each of them! And they should definitely be proud of themselves! They helped in making a place where kids can be kids and for a moment they can escape the craziness that this city and this world holds. I can't wait to go down there and see the children playing!
To read, more visit Moments Worth Mentioning and That's So Fletch. And if you want to get involved and help us with service projects in the future please visit our Facebook page, CONCRETE LOVE!
Be blessed!
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, September 15, 2009 2 awesome remarks
Monday, September 14, 2009
Part 2: Ponchos, Wet Flip Flops and laughs!
Day 2: Rain can't drown our parade!
But in the best kind of way. One thing I love about this group is that we can find fun in anything. So if rain makes it's way in to the magical doors of gotta improvise.
And we did...
with ponchos and flip flops...and yes! Mickey was on the back of all our trash bag type capes :)
We wore them to Epcot for lunch...
We wore them to the Magic Kingdom to see Goofy...
We wore them on the Monorail...
We wore them everywhere! And it was hilarious on all sorts of levels. I brought my poncho home with me so be prepared that the first rainy day here in Georgia... my poncho will be on :)
Posted by Shannon on Monday, September 14, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Sunday, September 13, 2009
When I grow up!
I have decided I want to be like Lacy from Flyleaf when I grow up!
That's my new goal :)
Think I can do it?
Posted by Shannon on Sunday, September 13, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Saturday, September 12, 2009
My magical adventure...
Holy Fantastic Disney Weekend!
So many things to talk about, but I don't want to make this post ubber long and all of you quit reading before it gets to the good part! So I will write and post pictures so you can all feel like you were there with me!
Let me start by telling you that life on the road with Brock and Auny is fantastic! So many fun things to do, fun people to hang out with and at the end of the day it's amazing to be around to those two! They brighten my life and they have taught me so much... I am blessed to work with them and more importantly, I am blessed to have them as friends!
OK...enough mussy talk, let's move on to the awesome Mickey filled weekend!
Let's start with Friday...
After arriving at 1:30 AM Friday morning and a quick nap, we rose at 8:30 AM ready for a fun filled Disney day! First stop, EPCOT.
Yep. It hasn't changed since I was a kid!
We had lunch there at a fantastic Moroccan place...Hummus, Couscou, Lamb... It was all so fabulous. I ate way too much but who wouldn't :)
After lunch we went to Hollywood Studios where we spent the rest of the day. There were concerts everywhere, tons of familiar faces to see and of course some awesome rides. First up on our list was The Tower of Terror!
Jacob gave it a trigger pointer up :)
Then Auny and I went over to the Rockn' Roller Coaster! By far, my favorite ride on the trip. We rode it a total of 5 times while we were there...thanks to Heather our amazing Mouseketeer!
We ended the day worshipping with Leeland! Incredible.
Needless to say...the first day at Disney was a hit and the best part was we got to do it again on Saturday. Check out the next blog for pictures from the second day:)
Posted by Shannon on Saturday, September 12, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but
let God transform you into a new person by changing the
way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will
for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Romans 12:2 (New Living Translation)
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, September 09, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Monday, September 07, 2009
Whatever's Next
Embrace it. Accept it. Don’t resist it. Change is not only a part of life; change is a necessary part of God’s strategy. To use us to change the world, he alters our assignments.
But, someone might ask, what about the tragic changes God permits? Some seasons make no sense…do such moments serve a purpose?
Well...yes! They do if we see them from an eternal perspective. What makes no sense in this life will make perfect sense in the next. I know that can be hard to understand sometimes but it's true. We go through trials, we deal with challenges ... why? Because they are preparing us, teaching us, growing us.
So we should then ask the question...
Might these challenges, severe or as minimal as they may be, serve to prepare us, equip us for the world to come?
As Paul wrote, “These little troubles are getting us ready for an eternal glory that will make all our troubles seem like nothing” (2 Cor. 4:17 CEV).
Posted by Shannon on Monday, September 07, 2009 0 awesome remarks
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Sometimes it just takes a smile.
Today was absolutely fantastic!
Glad you asked...
Because we, meaning all of the NAMB staff, got to take a little field trip...a mission field trip. I felt like I was in middle school all over again. We met at the bus at 8:00 AM, grabbed a buddy and loaded up with a snack in hand and excitement on everyone's faces.
Can you see the excitement?! Good :)
The bus then headed to Clarkston, Ga where we sent the rest of the day at Clarkston International Bible Church. There were so many service projects to participate in... Mommy & Me: Conversational English was my project of choice. And a good choice is was. We started our day by washing doors...more fun than it sounds, especially when you realize you're suppose to dilute the spray and you don't. Oops! Outcome... unable to breath for a bit. I think my lungs are fine now though. What we found out is that the spray should only be applied to one thing without being diluted...a car engine! I really hope the paint stays on the doors:(
Sara and baby Ansley(in the belly) cleaning the windows.
Jill and I about to get serious about this cleaning thing!
After chemical door cleaning time we moved on to my favorite part of the day...conversation! I got the have one-on-one time with 4 ladies, all from Brama which is near Thailand. They were sweet ladies that are in the process of learning English. Our conversation was really limited but was awesome. They told me all about their kids, their love for cooking and how much the loved school and learning. I wish I could say the and school, well let's just say I am glad I'm done :)
We gave the ladies some homemade dolls & bears for their children and their faces lite up! Seeing their smiles made my day perfect. Seeing the kids smiles made my year perfect :)
Isn't she precious?! Yes, Yes, Yes
What a great day! Let's do it again tomorrow!
Posted by Shannon on Thursday, September 03, 2009 2 awesome remarks
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Ice Cream Memories
I promised this blog to someone so here we go...
The question on my mind right now is how do you establish a favorite ice cream flavor? I mean, there are tons of choices and so little time to eat them all in one day. So there is always a time where you have to choose. This is where my indecisiveness comes in. You see each flavor brings back a memory and when I take that first bite, I am immediately right back in the moment. makes it hard to choose...
Like, should I go with the Cookie Dough which takes me back to Middle School, or the Strawberry that reminds me of my of Summer days by the ocean. What about Mint Chocolate Chip where I can picture my Mom and I sneaking bowls around 11 pm when I was 13 or Oreo... yummmm, homemade by my dad with Oreo cookies crushed by the pecan chopper in Vanilla Bean goodness. Oh wait, there's sorbet which I used to have after high school softball games and then there was Rocky Road which was a 101 Rotary favorite in college. Then we move into more recent years and you'll find Cake Batter ice cream which reminds me of Nashville days and my sweet friend Emily or Ben & Jerry's Half Baked ice cream which reminds of late afternoons with Kim. Oh and how could I forget soft serve ice cream with colored sprinkles...that's every child's favorite :)
Gosh, I could on and on! You see how this becomes tough for me. Great memories tied to great ice cream. So, I guess for me there is no favorite...there is only favorites tied to some of the best memories of my life.
What about you?
Posted by Shannon on Wednesday, September 02, 2009 3 awesome remarks
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
A new spin on homelessness
Jobless and homeless, blogger scores Elle job
...Writer puts new face on homelessness with blog for fashion magazine
~Francis Specker / AP
Six months ago, Brianna Karp found herself living in an old truck and camper she inherited after the suicide of a father she barely knew.
On Monday, her life became a 21st century fairytale when she turned her blog about homelessness into a plum internship for the fashion bible Elle magazine.
This is a story about love and Twitter, hope and the relative safety of a Walmart parking lot. Bri is our star, but there's also Matt, her trans-Atlantic boyfriend who found her on the streets of Orange County, Calif., as she wrote about her predicament at
Story continues here...
Posted by Shannon on Tuesday, September 01, 2009 0 awesome remarks