Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, February 09, 2009

Winterjam 09

I love it when my roomies come to town!

Last night was the night that Winterjam 2009 rolled in to town and with it came my favorite Nashville roomies Stephanie, Emily and Lindsey. It was an incredible night. I got to see some old friends, meet some new friends and just take in atmosphere.

Fun moments of the night...
*Seeing Stephanie in her tu tu. She was absolutely amazing on stage! Owned it.

*Seeing a packed out Gwinett Arena all ready to worship the Lord!

*Being in the catering room when Toby found out he won a grammy. He was like a giddy little boy for the rest of the night!

*Getting to be with some of my favorite girls! I absolutely adore them.

*Hearing Brandon Heath sing! Ahh I fall in love with that voice every time!

*Talking to my new matchy matchy friend Nathan and Lindsey about dates, coffee and random moments.

*Dancing along with Pure NRG as they sang Foot Loose!

There were many more moments and many more laughs. It was such a great night and I'm sad it ended so quickly! Lucky for me there is a Nashville trip and a cruise in my future:)

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