Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Special Surprise

It happened! Aren't they beautiful???

For those of you who don't know...for the past week I have been hinting to my Daddy, friends and just people in passing that flowers would be a great surprise on Valentine's Day (actually the day before at work so I could show them off to all my friends, ha).

Honestly I'm not that girly and flowers aren't really something I have to have on special love days but it's been a while since I've received flowers, so I thought it would be nice this year, haha.

And it was!

What an awesome surprise to receive a bouquet of gorgeous roses, lilies and geraniums plus some delicious chocolate from a sweet fellow in North Carolina. I totally showed them to everyone in my department and I displayed them on my desk :) Thanks Pookie, You made my day!

Then to make the day even better, when I got home there was an awesome package from my parents waiting for me. It had the sweetest card that made me tear up a little and a chocolate rose, which my dad said was all he could afford this year, haha. I was so excited. I am truly blessed to have the greatest family ever!!!

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