Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, October 26, 2008

What Went Wrong!

Jeff Henderson really rocked my world at church tonight when he finished the two part series entitled "What Went Wrong." It definitely sparked an awesome conversation at dinner about accountability and getting priorities straight. It's amazing how God speaks the right words at the right time!

Check out his series when you get a chance...WHAT WENT WRONG

So here's the To-Do list:

Find a few accountability partners! Godly women who will get in my face when I'm about to make a dumb, regretful decision.(Kristen, I know you'll be good at this)

Put meeting times on the calendar to meet one on one with those person in order to talk about situations and life.

Join a small group or start one that meets regularly!

Stay Alert! Be aware of all the ways that could hinder my way.

Continually build and work on my personal relationship with Jesus Christ

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