Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Lens of Life

Have you ever looked through a broken camera lens or one that is all fogged up from a temperature change? If you have then you know that it's pretty difficult to see anything clearly. Everything is fuzzy, distorted and can be way out of focus. In order to take a decent picture you have to clean the lens and adjust it till the object your shooting becomes clear and precise. Sometimes how we look at our lives through a fogged up lens. You may see things on the lens of where you have been and it can distort your view of what you are really trying to see.

Now I'm not trying to be all artistic or give you some fluffy example of how we can magically fix our view of life...I'm just thinking out loud and hoping that someone will agree with my thoughts.

When I think about the words focused, unfocused, white balanced, airbrushed, retouched, edited, I of course think about them in terms of photography but I can also think of them in terms of life. Right now, I'm feel as if I'm looking through a unfocused lens that hasn't been white balanced. White balanced? What does that have to do with anything you ask? Well white balance is the process of removing unrealistic color casts, so that objects which appear white in person are rendered white in your photo... it helps the picture that you take look more like what your seeing when you pull the lens away. So the lens I'm looking through isn't what is really around me.

The problem is I'm not see things as they are, I'm seeing things as I am. I am looking at all the hurt and disappointments and it's distorting what my view should be. I feel like instead of looking through an unfocused lens, I'm looking through a broken lens, one that the scratches are too deep for repair.

The good news...yes there is good news to all this crazy mumble I'm writing...the good news is all I have to do is put down the old broken camera with the irreplaceable lens and pick up a new camera. A camera with a new lens to look through. One that will take amazing photos and allow me to see crisp beauty. It will show me a new view. This view will be crystal clear, perfectly focused and never in need of retouch. It will radiate beauty and glow with vibrant colors and beautiful angles.Oh and you better believe it will white balance like no other. This camera with this view is and will represent my life with Jesus, one that is not fuzzy and will never need an adjustment on the lens.

So let's take this new camera out and watch as it captures immaculate photos:)

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