Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, October 10, 2008

Rocking the black at Catalyst 08

After missing the Drive Conference and Passion this year, I finally got to attend a much anticipated event! My gracious two bosses let me leave early from work to catch the last half of day one of Catalyst '08. What I love the most about these events is the diversity. I saw youth pastor wear, gothic attire, preppy sweater vests, holey jeans, chained wallets, blue and purple hair and eye brow rings. Imagine that, people who look different but love Jesus:) I can't get enough of it!!!

I was definitely taken back by how many people were in the Gwinnett Center...

It definitely made me miss the events I used to be involved with.

It was an awesome experience! I met up with some great people, listened to an amazing speech, heard my friends Chrystina and Eddie rock out, attended a blogger dinner, witnessed some magic and did it all while rocking the black finger nail polish. Guess I proved that the color on your nails doesn't effect your communication or networking skills.

WOW...who knew!

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