Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Thanks Brad

Waking up is hard to do!

I woke up this morning super tired, because I can't seem to go to bed at a decent hour. Mornings are always a little stressful because I'm not excited about leaving my warm, comfy bed. I'm not happy about picking out 'dress up' clothes when I'd rather wear sweat pants and a t-shirt. I'm not thrilled about blow drying my hair. And I'm usually hungry but don't have time to eat. WOW, can we say whiner!! I need to work on that:)

But there is one part of my morning routine that I love! It seems that all my frustration and exhaustion quickly fades when I look at my bathroom mirror and read this quote written:

Never put a box on what God can do in your life!

My friend Brad used to say that quote to me all the time and when I moved to Georgia we wrote it on my mirror as a reminder.

Sometimes you just need to be reminded:) Thanks Brad

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