Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Downtown tornado

So...for most of my life my biggest fear besides failing has been tornadoes. I get scared from the second the weather calls for a watch. When I little, I would climb up in my daddy's lap whenever there was a chance that a tornado was coming our way. Well, Friday night I guess you could say I faced my fear.

Jen Jen was in town for the weekend and we decided that we would attend the SEC tournament in downtown Atlanta. Kentucky was playing Georgia and my friend Mac was kind enough to find us some tickets to the game(Thanks Mac). We got to the stadium about 8:45, just in time to see Mississippi and Alabama go into overtime.(this is where it gets good...)

With 2:11 left in overtime, the unbelievable happened. All of sudden we hear this crazy loud noise that sounds like a freight train entering the building. WE look up and the top of the Georgia is shaking and it was doing this ripple effect. All the lights and the tress were shaken and it looked like the ceiling was gonna start caving in. To our right, one of the panels in the wall blew out and debris started blowing into the dome.
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Yes, a tornado went over us. It was crazy! Everyone in the dome was kind of in a panic but not, at the same time because no one knew what was going on. We were told to remain calm and to stay in our seats. They advised us not to leave until we were told to, so everyone sat in the dome for about 3 hours till they let us leave. But what we saw when we were able to leave was unexpected....
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Downtown Atlanta experienced quite a bit of damage from the storm and left everyone a bit shaken up! What an experience.

4 awesome remarks:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see that you are safe!! All of us at Caswell were worried about you!

let's talk soon! love you!

Scott and Lyndsay Crews said...

Wow! Great Pictures! Were these yours or the Associated Press's?

kelli beth said...

i'm so glad you guys were ok!! what an experience to go through!!!


Shannon said...

Scott didn't you know I work for the Associated Press! I take good pictures huh? hahahaha