Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, March 02, 2008

"cross I'ed"

“God said to Moses, ‘I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'" Exodus 3:14 (NIV)

I love the title of today’s devotion. Unfortunately, I cannot claim it. The credit goes to pastor and author, Dr. David Jeremiah. The reason I love it is because I easily get “cross I’ed” by focusing on what I cannot do instead of depending on the great I AM.

One of God’s chosen leaders, Moses, also got “cross I’ed” at times. Exodus 3 is a dialogue between God and Moses. Moses is passionately and whole-heartedly trying to convince God that he is not the right person to speak to Pharaoh about freeing the Israelites. Moses was thinking of every excuse of why he was not the right person for the job. He did not realize that God had prepared the way. Let me paraphrase the conversation.

God assures Moses that He will be with him. Moses says, "What will I say to them when they ask, ‘Who sends you?’" God gives Moses an answer that was probably a bit confusing. "Tell them I AM has sent you." Don't you know Moses was very grateful for a response but probably wanted to say, "OK, what do I say when they ask, 'Who is I AM?'" (Exodus 3: 12-14)

I love this dialogue between God and Moses because it sounds like many conversations I have with the Lord. I give excuses of why "I" can't do something He has asked me to do, not ever stopping to think that He has already prepared the way. I remember saying “Lord, I can’t speak. What will I say?” He replied, “Open your mouth and I will fill it.” Another time I said, “I am too tired to get up each morning to have a quiet time with you.” He tenderly said, “I give sleep to those I love.” Even recently I cried out, “Please pass this cup. I am not strong enough, Lord.” He responded by asking me if I trusted Him with all that I had. I replied with trembling, “Yes Lord, I do.”

I continue to learn as Moses did, that I am not and I can’t, but God is and He can. I recently read an amazingly powerful book by Louie Giglio, i am not but i know I AM. Notice the only letters in the title that are capitalized are I AM. Boy, when I figured out the significance of that phrase, my life changed. I am just a little "i." Let Louie tell you about it:

"God was telling Moses:

I AM the center of everything.
I AM running the show.
I AM the same every day, forever.
I AM the owner of everything.
I AM the Lord.
I AM the Creator and Sustainer of life.
I AM the Savior.
I AM enough.
I AM inexhaustible and immeasurable.
I AM God.

In a heartbeat, Moses knew God's name - and something more. He finally knew his. For if God's name is I AM, Moses' name must be ‘i am not.’”

I think the sooner we grasp the little "i" concept and live it out loud, the sooner we will make a difference in this world. Think about it.

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