Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, September 10, 2007

What if...

It's a question that we put in front of so many things through out our lives.

What if?

Often, we think about what would have happened if we had made a different choice or what would something be like if it was completely different from the way it has always been. I was intrigued by a sentence I read today that asked the question, "what if the streets of Heaven turned to brass? Would they still be as beautiful if they were not made of gold?" It caught my eye because it was such an astonishing statement. Of course they would still be beautiful! Who decided that gold was perfect?

I ask myself questions all the time like, "what if I had chosen that path?" or "what if I wasn't so anxious, would my thoughts and ambitions be the same?" I always look for the "gold" in life because it's beautiful and I figure it will make my life perfect. But what if my life was meant to be silver or brass, would it matter?

Now I know these are dumb comparisons but my point is, sometimes we look so hard for the perfect that we walk right by the magnificient.

1 awesome remarks:

Bernadine said...

What a beautiful thought! It's so easy to miss out on blessings in life if you're looking for it to come wrapped up in a specific package.