Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, September 07, 2007

Little porcelain cheeks

I have my moments where I miss home so much!
I had a few of those moments yesterday when I was talking to mom and dad on the phone, when I ate Oh's cereal at the office and when I saw these adorable pictures of my niece. She is my little munchkin. She makes me miss home so much I can hardly stand it. I would give anything for Summer size hug.

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You see, she is a special little girl. She is only five but she is one of the strongest kids I know. She has been through a lot but still has a beautiful smile on her little porcelain cheeks.

I wish I could see her everyday.

1 awesome remarks:

AUNY said...

So cute!!! Did you look like that when you were little? I can see a resemblance.