Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

cosmic vending machine

When you pray, do you ask God for things? Of course, but when you do this, do you expect your prayers to be answered immediately? For most of us the answer to that question is yes with a hopefully behind it.

Sometimes people misundertand what it means to have a "relationship" with our Heavenly Father! Basically, it's not about us. We spend so much time asking for things that we forget our purpose is thank God for the things He has allowed us to have. We think that our relationship with God is a cosmic vending machine. You just push the J4 button and all your wishes come falling out and into your hands. It's not like that! God blesses us with what we need, not always what we want. Our wants are sometimes not what is best for our lives and sometimes that's hard to see.

I wonder what our lives would look like if God gave us everything we asked for? I see us being lazy, unhappy and spoiled! Everything would seem meaningless and nothing would bless our hearts because we wouldn't see the value in anything. When God blesses you with special things, you appreciate them and you treasure them. And you know when it's a gift from God. You feel completely overwhelmed by an unexplainable joy!

Why would want to give that up for all your wants and an empty feeling?

2 awesome remarks:

Anonymous said...

thats why we have christmas.. we get what we want that day of the year;)


Barbara said...

Helooooooooo!!! How are you??